Chapter 7

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Darryl's Pov:

I walked into the castle to meet Ser Theo. I didn't want to tell him, but I knew I had to. I entered the Grandmaster's study. The grandmaster was sitting in front of his desk filling out some paperwork. Theo noticed me and spoke:

"Hello Darryl, do you need anything?" He said as he glanced at me.

"Erm... yes, there is a thing we have to talk about" I responded, trying to not look stressed out.

"Then, what is it?"

"So... a cloaked man came into the city and he kinda took Patrick hostage to an unknown location." Ser Theo's posture changed entirely. He held a fist and looked me in the eyes.

"What?!..." He asked, angry. It seemed like he would explode.

"Look, I missed my shot and failed to help him, he didn't even know someone was approaching him! I'm sorry..." I respond, awaiting him to yell at me.

"It doesn't matter right now, gather some scouts. We are going to find him. Is that all?" He didn't do anything to me? But I failed! I was confused. But I had to ask him one thing.

"Hey, Theo. Can you not speak about it to anyone?"

"Huh, why is that?" He asked, confused.

"I'll tell you later. Now we have a job to do."

"Well, if that's the case go rally the scouts. Let's hope we can save him."

I left the room. The scouts, which consisted of 4 men and 3 women, were an elite intelligence formation. Basically they were spies capable of taking down dozens of enemies. Actually, I am one of them. We do not have a formal leader, we serve and take orders from only the Grandmaster. I knew where to look for them, they should have been in the Frostbourne library. I walked in and saw them... playing board games? What a bunch of nerds like Azura.

"Scouts, we have a job to do!" I shout to them through the library. They looked annoyed but they packed up pretty quickly and we went to a hidden cave outside of the city to discuss things. That was what you could call our "Headquarters". We pushed a boulder and went in. The boulder then closed on itself thanks to a rope, its primitive but works. We sat around a mal and I started to speak:

"Patrick has been kidnapped and we have to take him back. Our job will be to find the place where he is currently held, understood?" They all nodded. "Then let's go, we have no time to waste!"

The search lasted for three days, we investigated areas around the Dreadfort and found a hideout of the Bandits. We quickly put all the pieces together and decided that he should be there. Now it was time to get Ser Theo, and maybe someone else and go there. Take him back.

Patrick's Pov:

My head hurt when I woke up, I saw that I was in a small, stone brick cell and I was cuffed up to the wall with iron chains. A guy in a black cloak came in and said.

"I feel generous today, so I'll let you ask one question prisoner." Really, prisoner? Guess I'm the luckiest person in the world... Can't even read a book normally.

"So, why did you take me hostage?" I asked, curious what he would tell me.

"Hah, you will see soon, failure." Failure now? I mean I did get captured but it's not that bad, right? Then he left, leaving me alone to think about everything, but most importantly: What was his plan?

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