Chapter 19

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Stella's pov:

I must say I hate waking up early, but it had to do. We woke up at 6 am while Rain was the one guarding. It seemed the night was calm. I guess the Frostbourne territory is pretty safe if we exclude bandits.

"Ok everybody wake up!" Darryl shouted when he got up. I start hating this guy, he just bosses everyone around.

"Maybe a little quieter. You don't have to be so loud. We all hear you." Rain told him, sitting on a rock. Patrick, me and Azura stood up.

"Patrick, go prepare the horse's". Darryl told him and he started walking in the direction of the exit. I never saw anyone boss their leader. Darryl really will have to stop. But I can't do anything alone can I?

"Yes boss" He mumbled as he left the cave. I don't think Darryl heard that as he began giving orders again:

"I will give you half an hour to prepare, then we are moving. We are going to follow the trail to Snowfall. There we will be able to resupply if we need to and sleep safely, so no one will have to stay on guard. At this time Patrick should have prepared the horse's for us." What am I supposed to do in 30 minutes? I guess I could talk to someone. Or I could go to that weird thing Azura made and look at what it does. I decided upon the latter and went out to see it. Patrick was feeding the horse's and mules at that time. I don't think tying them to the tree's was the best idea but it's good enough. I waved to Patrick but he didnt notice me, so I went to that "thing". At top of it there was some snow and under it was water. So it converted snow to water without fire? Technology is almost as amazing as magic! Except technology requires you to learn much more than if you would want to learn magic.

"What are you doing here Stella?" Azura asked me while she approached me.

"Admiring this thing. It's amazing! I never knew technology could make snow just become water!" I responded to her while still looking at it.

"It just uses the energy of the sun, nothing new. That's how snow melts normally. I just use the glass to strengthen the effect and make it faster. Simple really, you just have to know how things work in our world. That's why I love physics." She exclaimed proudly. I didn't understand half of it but I guess the sun makes the snow melt.

"What's physics?" I asked her, finally turning to her.

"Physics explains how everything works. From items falling down to how pressure affects us. Thanks to it we know so much about the world around us! It is the best after mathematics..." She looked like she was about to talk about it for the next hour. I had to stop her.

"Okay, good to know. So changing the topic. What can you tell me about others?" I told her to try to steer out from the science stuff.

"Darryl is a leader of scouts, and probably the one with the biggest ego here, but he always has Humanity's best intentions in mind. Rain seems to be sometimes careless and controlled more by emotions than reason, but other than that I would say he has overall good intentions. Patrick was the leader of the cavalry, now he is our leader. He joined the Frostbourne at the age of 16 and quickly ascended the ranks as he proved to be a good warrior and tactician. Patrick really likes horse's and if he could he would give them all of our supplies and let them rest more just so they could be happier. I can say he changed a bit after the death of Theo, he doesn't smile almost at all and is really closed in himself." Azura exclaimed, this is impressive, she knows a lot even about Rain she didn't have much contact with according to him. "If only I knew how to help you out..." She whispered to herself. I decided to act like I didn't hear that but that was strange.

"Everyone, you have 5 minutes left!" Darryl shouted.

"I guess I need to go there now, and thank you Azura, it was nice to talk to you." I said and began to leave.

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