Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Azura's Pov

I was working at my lab, repairing my railgun that broke when the battery exploded. Then Darryl came in... I hate this guy, he never knocks before going in...

"Hey Azura, did you see Theo or Patrick anywhere?" He asked

"No, they went somewhere. Theo said it's a diplomatic mission or something."

"Ehh... guess I dont have anyone to train with."

"Do you need anything else or I can get back to my work? I said, Irritated

"Not really, get back to your so much important work" Darryl said, leaving. I hate this guy.

I got back to my work, but something didn't feel right. They did go somewhere but they didn't say where. Yes, I lied but I didn't want to worry him, he likes Theo and Patrick, and would probably turn himself in for their lives. Yet, I forgot about it and tried to repair the railgun. All of the electronics were destroyed, so I needed to put in a new magnetic generator and connect many cables together. But I didn't have a battery. Unfortunately I didn't have enough materials to make a battery, I lacked Lithium to make it. Then I heard someone talking:

"So, Naeus told you that it's coming huh? The same trick as always." A man said

"Yes, Darryl and it's annoying. He thinks we will fall for his tricks. But can you go talk to Patrick? He didn't say anything after we left. He seems troubled. Another man, which I assume was Theo, said. So they went to the nether? I never understood Naeus. He thinks we are going to fall for that? We aren't going to prepare for a non-existent threat. But I was worried about Patrick, what happened to him? Why isn't he talking? I hope Darryl can solve it. Then Darryl spoke again.

"Sure, but tell me, do you have any predictions why he is so quiet?"

"No, even though I have known him for some time, I still don't understand him."

"Well, I'm going to check on him. Goodbye Theo"

Darryl's Pov:

I walked down the corridor to talk to Patrick, I heard from Theo that he has been acting unusually. I found him reading a book. The cover said "The Old World".

"Hey Patrick, are you okay? I asked

"Yes, I'm fine, what about you?" He said, with a sad voice, something was on, I could tell.

"Why do you sound so sad?"

"I told you I'm fine." Patrick said, irritated

"Certainly not, it's the first time I see you read a book ever."

"Ehh... it's just, even though I shouldn't believe Naeus for a reason, it feels realistic. I'm trying to find something about this in books from the library.

"You really believe that Nether bastard?"

"I... I don't know"

"So, I guess I'm going to go now. If you need to talk I'll be at the training grounds"

"Sure, bye."

And so I left to train. Patrick seemed to be more confused about what he thinks than I was. I forgot quickly as I was defeating some people trying to challenge me, fools. After a bit long session I wanted to look for him, but decided to give him some time. I went to my room to rest after this day.

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