Chapter 8

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Rain's Pov:

I was minding my own business at the market. I wanted to buy a new diamond sword.

"50 Emeralds for this sword young man" The trader said, presenting the sword. 50 Emeralds were a scam but I probably wouldn't find a better offer here

"Deal" I respond, handing in a sacket with money

"Thank you, here is your sword" The trader said, giving me the sword. "Goodbye"

"Goodbye" I respond, scanning the sword. It wasn't an usual Diamond sword, it was sharpened and it had a decorated hilt. The hilt was wrapped in white, horse leather and the armguard was made out of gold. In the meeting point of the armguard and the hilt there was a small ruby put in a circle. I wonder who this belonged to before.

"Rain!" A soldier shouted while running "Ser Theo... wants... To... see you..." He claimed panting.

"Why is that?"

"I... don't... know..."

"I guess i'm going to go there" I responded irritated, I wanted to test my new sword but well, he changed my plans.

And so, I left the market to meet with the grandmaster. After a short walk I entered his study. He was already waiting for me and spoke right away:

"Go to the Armory and take the blue armor to the left. Then come to me, I will be standing before the gate. " He claimed and started to leave, he was in a hurry.

"But why?" I ask, confused.

"I'll tell you later, now move!" He responded and left the room. Where were we going, why should I take that armor? Those were the questions in my mind, but I decided to just follow orders. I ran down to the armory and looked for the armor, it was in the left corner from the door. It consisted of a chestplate and leggins. The chestplate was dark blue with a blue gem in the middle, the leggins on the other hand were cyan, with small touches of light blue. I put on the armor and ran to the gate. Ser Theo and Darryl were standing there.

"Are you sure we can trust him?" Darryl asked, he seemed a little bit annoyed.

"He is the best person for the job" Theo responded, then he spotted me. "Rain, you know how to ride a horse, right?"

"Yes, I do."

"Perfect, jump on and we are moving. Go after me" He responded, jumping on his horse. Darryl did the same. I hopped on mine, it was a brown horse, with some blak spots. It was really calm, so we could ride off almost right away.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, looking at Theo

"We are going to save a friend from the Bandits, that's all" Darryl responded, after that I took a better look at Theo, he was concerned. I was sure. I started to wonder who we were saving. Maybe Patrick? But he went on a diplomatic mission to the Kingdom of Irraria, so it couldn't be him. I forgot about it.

"You mean the Bandits of the Lost Desert?

"Yeah..." And now I remembered my village, my friends. Everyone is dying to them. My heart was filled with anger. I was ready to get revenge on those murderers.

"Everyone, we are approaching their hideout, get ready for a fight" Theo claimed, taking his hammer into his hands. It was a black hammer with some gold spots. It looked like it was made out of obsidian. I was ready,and everyone else was too. We were ready.

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