Chapter 12

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Darryl's Pov:

Today the tournament is being held. This will be an easy one, but before we need to hold a meeting and assign Patrick his new job. Hilda was already up and waiting so I only had to wake up Azura. I went down the stairs and approached Azura's Laboratory. I knocked on the door and waited. Nothing. I knocked again. Then I heard a long yawn before Azura spoke:

"Who's there?" She asked, with a sleepy voice.

"Azura, we have a meeting in an hour, you think you can wake up before it starts?"

"Sure... give me like 30 minutes and I'll be ready."

"Ok, see you in the meeting room." I respond, walking back to the meeting room. An hour passed and we all were there. Azure has yet to hear the news, she spent the entire last day in the laboratory. We entered the room and everyone sat down.

"So, Azura... Ser Theo unfortunately died and we have to choose the next leader" I spoke first, the memory still hurts me. Azura lowered her head and asked quietly "How?".

"We will explain it later, now back to the top-"

"Then why am I here?" Patrick cut me off, looking at me. I am almost sure I saw a tear on his cheek.

"Because Patrick... Theo choosed you" I responded, awaiting an answer.

"... No" What? He doesn't take it, but why?!

"Why, Patrick?" Hilda asked, and Patrick stood up.

"Because it's my fault he died, it's my fault you needed to go there! If only I was more responsible he would still be here! Frostbourne doesn't need someone like me to lead them. If I can't take care of myself, can I take care of the entire faction?! I am sure any of you would be a better leader! So my answer will stay no" He shouted out, and bursted out of the room.

"Now I want answers," Azura said, staring at me.

"So... Patrick got kidnapped by the leader of the Bandits. It's partly my fault as I missed my shot at him so he grabbed Patrick before he could react and teleported out using a pearl. Me, Theo and Rain went to save him. We split up and that's when They probably died. Rain also found a girl there." I explained, Azura looked at me for a while and said:

"I'll go talk to him" She stood up, and went to the door.

"Wait, if you are going to talk to him, take this." I said, handing her the letter.

"It may help. It's a letter to him from Theo."

"Thank you Darryl. I'm going to go now." She hid the letter in her lab coat and left the room.

"So, what now?" Hilda asked

"Now, we pray she can convince him." I responded. It's not his fault... Why does he blame himself?

"Let's go help to prepare for the tournament if we have to wait," Hilda said, and left. I went after her. Let's hope at least this will work out as planned.

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