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A/n: This chapter contains some violence. You have been warned. 

Hermione didn't know where they had apparated to but she found herself being flung against the wooden floor near a fireplace and rolled into a steel table. She groaned while pushing herself on her hands and knees. She could see her hands were scrapped and blood leaked down her wrists. She attempted to get up when she felt something like a foot pushing her back down. She hit her head against the floor. Hermione peered behind her to see Fenrir leaning over her while Scabior climbed his way onto a sofa. 

"So what do you want to do with her first? Cause I got some pretty good ideas," Scabior asked darting his eyes up and down her form. Hermione's head filled with horrible thoughts of what he was talking about. She pushed herself back onto her feet as she made a run for it. She was about a foot away from the door when something wrapped around her throat causing her to fall back to the ground again. She tried to reach up to pull the rope away from her throat but her wrists were tied together. She listened to the sound of footsteps walking towards her as Scabior and Fenrir leaned over her. 

"That was quite stupid, girly. You think you can leave and go back to your life, think again. Your our pet now. You do as we say, got it?" Fenrir growled at her. She gasped trying to get air as she forced her head to nod that she understand. Scabior flicked his wrist with his wand, causing the rope to release her neck. Hermione began gasping for air as she crawled onto her side as she started to have a coughing fit. She laid there for a minute until she felt a pair of hands pulling her onto her feet. She peered up to see Scabior had picked her up and had her leaning against his front. She wanted to pull away but after what had happened, she didn't have the courage to try anything else. He pressed her back against the door while Fenrir began lightly brushing her hair from her face. 

"Now I suggest you behave yourself, love. Because you wouldn't want to get on our bad side. And if you thought what we did a minute ago was bad, well... you haven't the worse of it. You understand?" Scabior warned her. She nodded her head again that she understood what would happen to her if she didn't comply with his or Fenrir's demands. Scabior opened his mouth to speak when the door flung opened. Hermione peered over their shoulders to see a man rushing into the house. 

"Alpha, thank goodness you're back! There's trouble among the pack members. Some of the boys are in a fight and are about to rip each other's throats out." He panted. Fenrir and Scabior turned back towards each other before Fenrir grabbed hold of the collar of Hermione's shirt and pushed her towards a side door. 

"You stay in here. Don't even think about escaping or else you will be in a world of trouble." Fenrir warned as he threw her into what appeared to be a bedroom. Hermione tumbled till she landed onto the bed as she heard the door slam right behind her as the lock clicked. Hermione pushed herself off the bed as she began to wonder how was she going to get out of this mess. 

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