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Hermione was going about, aiding other pack members with different assignments while they waited for any word from Narcissa about what the Dark Lord had planned for them. Just as she placing down some firewood, Hermione  couldn't help but notice from the corner of her eye that Draco was standing on the outskirt as he kept looking out. Hermione proceeded to walk over to him. She stood beside him, not saying a word for a moment till she decided to make her presence known. 

"Hi, Draco." Hermione mumbled. Draco lightly nodded his head as he murmured a 'hi' back to her. They stood there awkwardly till Hermione tilted her head over towards him. 

"I'm sure she's fine. Narcissa is a tough woman." Hermione assured him. Draco chuckled. 

"She had to be. My dad doesn't have a backbone. He practically let the Dark Lord waltz right into our house. He also let that bastard threaten my life if I didn't kill Dumbledore." Draco grumbled to himself. Hermione shook his head. 

"I think in his head, he felt like he was doing the right thing." Hermione suggested to him. Draco shrugged his shoulders. 

"Maybe. Bet he wish the Dark Lord had killed me. One less problem he'll have to deal with." Draco mumbled. Hermione lightly placed her hand on Draco's shoulder. 

"I don't think he would have wanted that at all, Draco." Hermione assured him. Draco chuckled. 

"Yeah he would. You think he's mean towards you for being a muggle-born, you hadn't seen him at his worse. If I so much don't live up to what he wanted, he would scowl at me and even pretend I'm not even his son. He always tells me how much of a disappointment I am in his eyes. Sometimes he doesn't even have to say it. It's just this look he gives whenever I walk in the room. Mother always looked after me whenever Father was at his worse. If she gets taken from me, I'm not entirely sure what I'll do." Draco stated. Before Hermione could ask, a bright blue light came piercing through the trees. The light came floating closer towards them till Hermione took note that it was a peacock. The bird floated right in front of them before Narcissa's voice spoke. 

Hermione and Fenrir, the Dark Lord is in fact going with the attack on the packs during the full moon. They are bringing the war to the woods. They plan to surround the woods and starve the packs out. So they probably will head out a few days before this in order to form a ring around the woods.

"She did it, Draco! She did it! She got the information." Hermione cheered while she lightly pulled on his sleeve. She paused for a moment when she noticed Draco's face twisted in concern. Hermione lightly brushed his shoulders. 

"Don't worry, Draco, I am sure that she'll be back soon. I believe there's nothing for you to worry about." She told him, "Now lets go tell the others so we can get rid of this bastard." 

Draco nodded his head as they rushed through the campsite to inform the others of the good news that Narcissa had sent to them. 

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