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"Why did I have to come with you? Did you need someone to hold your hand while talking with the big scary Dark Lord?" Lyle asked while he followed alongside Fenrir as they headed up the drive to the Malfoy Manor. Fenrir tried to keep his temper but it was getting hard with every insult Lyle throws at him. They reached the door as he roughly knocked against the surface, silently pretending that it was Lyle's face. 

"I don't need your help or to hold my damn hand while talking with the Dark Lord. I just didn't want to leave you behind to allow you access to scheme against me to get Hermione back in your pack." Fenrir growled. Lyle opened his mouth to shot another insult when the door opened to show Narcissa standing behind it. She appeared almost worn out like she's been through hell. 

"What do you want?" she asked, almost timidly. Lyle was about to snap at her but Fenrir raise his hand at him to keep him quiet. He knew Narcissa has been dealt with terrible situations while her family worked under the Dark Lord's rule. He was more crueler towards them since Lucius was quite the coward and fail so bad, Voldemort made sure he was going to put them through hell. 

"We need to speak with the Dark Lord," Fenrir explained to her. Narcissa lightly nodded as she opened the door wider for him and Lyle to walk in. Fenrir nodded his thanks as he stepped through the doorway. After Narcissa closed the door behind them, she proceeded to make her way to the front to show them where to go. They walked a few hallways till they reached the doors of parlor. Narcissa lightly knocked. 

"Who is it?" Voldemort's voice billowed through the doors. 

"Fenrir Greyback wishes to speak with you." Narcissa told him. There was a bit of silence then...

"Bring him in." He ordered her. Narcissa moved aside as she motioned for them to enter. Fenrir pushed the door open as he and Lyle walked into the parlor. The Dark Lord sat at the head of the table, papers spread out. He glance up to see them and he did not appear like he was thrilled. 

"What brings you here?" Voldemort asked while they walked towards the table. 

"I would like to ask you for a favor." Fenrir started when Voldemort chuckled. 

"And what exactly would that be?" he asked him, a bit mockingly. Lyle glared at him, silently pleading to rip him apart. 

"I'll like to ask if you can remove the Death Eaters from the forest. If you are in need of finding escapees, I'm sure the wolf packs can work out some deal."  Fenrir suggested. Voldemort narrowed his eyes. 

"Why is that any of your concerns?" he questioned. Fenrir darted his eyes between Lyle and the Dark Lord. 

"Because... Because... say hello to my grandfather-in-law." Fenrir told him while pointing to Lyle, who glared right at him. 

"Don't you dare call me Grandfather. It's bad enough you're dating my Granddaughter." Lyle spat at him as he took a seat, probably trying to show he was as equal as the Dark Lord himself. Voldemort had a look of confusion. 

"I'm sorry what?" he asked. Fenrir started to open his mouth when Lyle cut in. 

"That's right, you had the nerve of giving my granddaughter to this Runt as some kind of war prize. She deserves so much better than that. Now he and his beta are trying to court her." Lyle spat. Voldemort look at them still in confusion as Fenrir sighed. 

"Turns out Hermione is Lyle's granddaughter... and he moved in because Death Eaters been moving into the woods which made the Alpha of All Alphas make it where packs need to stick together." Fenrir explained to him. Voldemort shook his head. 

"I think I understand... but the answer is no." Voldemort stated. Fenrir's eyes widened. He knew Voldemort had something against Half Breeds but he thought Voldemort would be willing to make a deal. Especially when Fenrir was offering his service for him. Fenrir opened his mouth to argue when Lyle rose his hand. 

"Fenrir, wait outside so I may speak with him alone." Lyle ordered. At first, Fenrir thought it was a bad idea till Lyle shot him a glare. Slowly Fenrir made his way outside of the room, wondering. what was Lyle going to do with him gone. 

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