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Lucius stood before the Dark Lord, who was ranting his madness about what he was planning on doing to the werewolves packs. But he wasn't paying that much attention to what was being said. He was more worried about his wife and son. He had woken up to find his bed empty where Narcissa was supposed to be. At first, he thought nothing of it and assumed she woke up early and was already preparing meals for them, probably still furious with him of their argument. However, as soon as he finished getting dressed and heading downstairs, he didn't find her there. It then dawn at him that she may have been serious with her plan after all. He quickly then went roaming around his house, attempting to not appear suspicious about it, searching for Narcissa. He had finished searching and found he could not find Narcissa nor their son, Draco. 

It was then he started to fear for the worse. She had headed to the packs with their own son and  was probably right now informing them about Voldemort's plan of war against them. Before he could attempt to make his way after Narcissa, he ran into some of the Death Eaters he wasn't quite aware of. 

"He be wanting you in there, Lucius." one had said. 

"Don't you dare talk to me like that in my own house." Lucius growled. If there was one thing he hated the most, it was being talked down to and shown disrespect. Especially in a place he was supposed to be respected. They just chuckled and one rolled his eyes before motioning for him to move on. Lucius strolled through the halls in a way that let everyone know he was not to be messed with even if inside he felt helpless. He walked forward into the parlor where the Dark Lord had called this meeting.

"Lucius?" Lucius head shot up when The Dark Lord said his name, "Where is your wife? I haven't seen her all day... nor have I seen your son."

Lucius was tongued tied. How was he going to answer that question? How could he? Should he admit his wife and son had deserted them? Or should he lie? He opened his mouth and spoke. 

'I... I am not quite sure where she or he are at the moment. I believe they may be out and about in Hogsmeade." Lucius found himself lying. The Dark Lord narrowed his eyes, probably not convinced by Lucius's lie. 

"Now why would they be there during a time when we are about to have a war?" He asked Lucius. Lucius had actually found himself chuckling. 

"You must forgive Narcissa, My Lord. But as a woman, she feels strongly that violence is never the answer to anything. And also she is quite fond of the boy and she feels he should not be burden with things like a war." Lucius lied again. Voldemort burst out laughing as he mumbled something about some women's heart. The moment however was ruined when the doors flung opened. While Lucius turned his head, he was able to watched as Bellatrix flung Narcissa across the ground. Lucius's eyes widened as his mouth dropped to the floor. Narcissa laid there, clinging to her stomach as she was gasping for air. 

"What the bloody hell is the meaning of this, Bellatrix?" Voldemort asked while pointing at Narcissa. 

"I'll tell you what it is! My sister is a blood traitor! She was informing the half-breed and his little mudblood our plan of attack." Bellatrix stated to him. Narcissa's eyes fluttered a bit as she kept gasping for air. 

"Did you know she was doing this? Going behind our backs and telling that savage what we were planning?" The Dark Lord asked, furiously. Lucius shook his head. 

"No, I daresay I did not know my wife was doing such things." Lucius lied to the Dark Lord.

"What do we do, my Lord? Words gotten out! They may come and attack us before we go attack them!" Bellatrix claimed. 

"Then we shall speed our plans early. Everyone start packing up! We got some hunting to do!" The Dark Lord demanded the whole Death Eaters. Everyone began chanting and cheering their cries of gladness. 

"And as for this one," The Dark Lord said, pointing his wand directly towards Narcissa, "I'm afraid, Lucius I must dispose of her."  

Lucius shot a look to the Dark Lord, watching as he was raising his hands upwards and was ready to scream the curse. He didn't know what came over himself but he rushed over to Narcissa's side just as the bright green light came towards them. 

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