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Narcissa wasn't at all surprise with the looks of confusion upon all the werewolves' faces as they couldn't believe she of all people was standing at their pack with her son. It was even hard for her to believe in what she was doing herself, but she was too determined to protect her son from yet another war. She could still remember the night Lucius had announce to her about the Dark Lord's plan of having another war with the werewolf packs. 

"Has he finally gone barking mad? To declare war on the packs? That... that's mental!" Narcissa asked, finishing with her household chores. She flung the blanket she was folding onto the bed, not remotely caring if he messed up from the toss. She placed her hands on her hips as she glared at Lucius, wanting him to explain to her what exactly was going on. Lucius just sat in his chair leaning his head in his hand. 

"I know but that's what he wishes..." Lucius started when Narcissa growled (actually growled), which was something she never did given how much her mother had been so determined to ensure she was brought up as a lady. She glared at Lucius as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"It's beyond what he wishes! He is just throwing a tantrum because that... that Lyle cursed him out! Which I agree with some of what Lyle had said about the Dark Lord. Draco is still a boy! He shouldn't be even dealing with something as horrible as this... again! Don't you remember how he told Draco he needed to kill Dumbledore  or else he was going to be murdered? It's not fair for him to do this to Draco... to us! Don't you care about our son? About our marriage?" she asked him, hoping that maybe Lucius would grow some form of backbone and admit that she was right. That this is madness. However, it wasn't want she got. 

"I agree with you Narcissa. But he's looking out for pureblood kind..." Lucius argued. Before he could say another word, Narcissa felt her body betray her as she grabbed the nearest object (which was a heavy book) and threw it at him. It almost hit him square in the head if he hadn't ducked in time. 

"It is not about looking out for pureblood kind anymore! It's about him throwing a pout because someone refuses to enable his childish behavior! I'm starting to feel like this whole ideal about purebloods being better is more of a curse than a blessing. I lost my sister, Andromeda, who didn't want anything to do with us for thinking that way, then I lost my other sister to insanity and her extreme love for the Dark Lord and I almost lost my son if I hadn't gotten Snape to interfere!" She screamed at him. Lucius stared at her in disbelief like he couldn't believe what she was telling him. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I know that you know it's not only our family that has suffered but serval others have been dealing with just as much of this madness! It's no longer about being 'pureblood means you're better', it's nothing more but madness! Look at the hell it brought us! We haven't been living! We've been just doing whatever to survive!  I'm sick and tired of this!" Narcissa barked at him. Lucius stood up from his seat while walking over to her. 

"And exactly what do you want me to do? I can't very much walk up to him and say, 'Sir, I'm not feeling like going to war'. He'll kill us!" Lucius claimed to her. She shook her head. 

"Then we'll leave." Narcissa suggested to him. Lucius's eyes widened when she said to him. 

"Where exactly would you have us go? Death Eaters lurk around everywhere! There's no safe place to be at." Lucius asked her. Narcissa narrowed her eyes. 

"We can go to the packs," Narcissa explained. Lucius's face twisted in horror, "Admit it! They are stronger and more able to take on the Death Eaters. You remember when Bellatrix shot the killing curse at Fenrir, right? As soon as it hit him in the chest, he just stumbled backward! Then he brushed it off like it was nothing."  Narcissa reminded him. Lucius shook his head. 

"I don't know, Narcissa. I think this is too much even for you. I suggest we sleep on it before we do anything rash." Lucius suggested to her as he began to head to bed. Narcissa shook her head, aware that Lucius had secretly chosen his side. The Dark Lord's side. Not waiting for him, Narcissa slipped away as she grabbed her coat and headed over to her son's room. She quickly slipped in as she woke him up. Before Draco had any chance of saying a word, she hushed him as she got him up and put on his coat. She then took him by his wrists and dragged him out of their house before apparating them out of there. 

Now They were standing before Fenrir and Scabior, who were confused at her being there before them.  Fenrir walked up towards her as he kept looking at her like he was trying to discover exactly what was her reasoning for being here by himself.

"What brings the two of you here of all places?" Fenrir asked her. Narcissa shook her head.

"Trouble. For us and your packs." Narcissa warned them, "A war's coming for you due to Lyle's outburst against the Dark Lord." 

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