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Voldemort stood by the fireplace as he watched the flames flicker around the wood that fed them. He couldn't stop himself from thinking about what Lyle had told him. Those harsh, unspeakable words that Lyle spat at him like venom. He didn't show any bit of remorse or regret when they went flying from his mouth. 

I didn't stand around thinking I was better than people because I was a pureblood. 

I made myself better than everyone else by proving to them I was better!

Voldemort couldn't stop himself from hearing how disgusted Lyle was with the word 'pureblood'. He had said it like being a pureblood was the true curse and not his werewolf condition. How could Lyle wake up each morning and think happily at the thought of being a half-breed with no problem at all. 

You just go around flinging your wand about lying to yourself and to everyone that you are a great wizard and for what? 

Because you're a half-blood? 

Guess what? 

You're not worth shit! 

Hermione has proven herself better worthy of being a wizard than you ever will be!

Voldemort tightened his hands into fists when he remembered those lines. How easily Lyle could claim that he wasn't a great wizard. How easily Lyle could state that he wasn't worth anything and how Lyle's granddaughter, his cousin, actually was better than him in every way possible. She was a teenager! What would she know about casting powerful spells? Nothing! She would know nothing! 

I'm glad you changed your name, boy. 

Because I am completely ashamed to call you my nephew. 

And you are not worthy of the name Gaunt

How dare Lyle say he was unworthy of the name 'Gaunt'? Who gave Lyle, an exiled, disowned, outcasted member of the family the right to decide who was worthy or unworthy of the last name of 'Gaunt'. How dare Lyle say he was ashamed that he, Lord Voldemort who had an army of Death Eaters at his feet, had taken down Harry Potter, was his nephew? 

 I outlived everyone of my family members and trust me when I tell you I'll outlive you too! 

"So he thinks he'll out live me like he out lived my parents and Grandfather, does he?" Lord Voldemort mumbled as he turned to Nagini, who slithered towards him, "I'll prove him wrong... LUCIUS! Get in here!" 

He stood there as he waited till the doors flung open to see a timid, Lucius standing in his presence.  

"You summoned my Lord?" Lucius asked him. 

"Start rounding up every Death Eater that you know. I am declaring war on the werewolf packs. Most of all, Lyle's pack." He declared. 

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