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"Okay if they are going to try to surround us, then it would be best..." 

"What are they saying?" Draco asked, trying to listen in with Hermione. Hermione lightly waved her hand at him. 

"I'm trying to listen, hush." Hermione whispered to him while she tried to focus her hearing on the people inside. 

"Please! Can you get off, Hermione? My back is starting to break!" Ron whimpered. Hermione hushed him again as she tried to go back to listening and hoping they weren't caught. For some reason, Hermione or Ron or Draco or Luna or Ginny could be in the tent and listen in on the meeting. She didn't understand the reasoning but they just wouldn't allow her and the others in. What upset her the most was that Remus could go in but she couldn't and she was supposed to be Fenrir and Scabior's mate. However, they didn't say anything about not listening in on their conversation. So now, Hermione was standing on on Ron's back as she was listening to the meeting with everyone else standing around her, trying to listen in as well. 

She couldn't really make out what most of their talk was but she got bits and pieces of it. She knew they were trying to decide on a plan as to how to hit first before the wizards got to them. She was sort of thankful the full moon was tomorrow night given it would be an advantage to them. But at the same time she was fearful. It will be the first time she will transform into a beast. She didn't have any clue what she was going to experience during that time and it was a bit scary. Her thoughts were broken when she felt her body start to sway violently. Ron suddenly went down, face first into the ground as Hermione felt backwards. Thankfully, Luna and Ginny caught her and she only stumbled onto the ground. 

"What happened?" Ginny asked. Ron lifted his head as he spat out dirt. 

"What the bloody hell do you think happened? My back gave out." He complained before placing his face back into the dirt. Before anyone could speak, a loud crackling sound caught their ears causing them to glance into the direction it was coming from. From their eyes, they could see two figures on the ground. It didn't take long for Hermione to quickly tell who the two people were. It was Narcissa... and Lucius. She noticed something was wrong just as Draco suddenly went off running towards them. 

"MOM!" he called out as he fell to her side, roughly pushing his Dad to the side, "Mom!" 

"Someone get the healers!" Hermione demanded while she and the rest ran over to them. The yelling, causes the people in the tent to come running out to see what was going on. She leaned over Draco, who held his mother's hands in his own. She was gasping for air, but it was becoming slower and deeper. 

"Narcissa, keep your eyes open! Talk to us! What happened?" Hermione tried to keep Narcissa to focus on fighting. Narcissa's lips clenched and unclenched but no words were coming out. Thankfully, the healers came rushing in at that moment as they didn't waste a moment in picking her up and went running towards their tent. Draco stood up with the help of Ginny as he turned his face towards Lucius.

"This is your fault! The only reason she's like this is because you're a coward! You didn't dare stand up for us! You rather save your own self and do whatever that monster asked than to protect us! I wish it was you who was dying and not her!" He shouted before running after Narcissa. Unable to find any words to tell Lucius, Hermione went after Draco wishing that this whole thing was nothing but a dream. 

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