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A/n: This chapter contains sexual parts. You have warned. 

Hermione leaned against the  couch as she tried to think of what she was going to do throughout her time with Fenrir and Scabior. After their argument, Hermione was sent to sleep on the couch while Scabior and Fenrir were sleeping in their bedroom. She feared of what was going to happen when Fenrir and Scabior woke up. She brushed some of her hair to behind her ear as she tried to get sleep. But horrible thoughts kept playing of what they would do. Were they going to attempt to kick her out of the pack? That was the less of her worries. She feared they were going to rip her to shreds either by actually clawing her or beating her with their fists. 

Along those fears, she felt a strange feeling roaming deep within herself. She could feel something wanting to bring herself into Fenrir's room. She tried to ignore the feeling but it seemed to get stronger by the minute. She knew if she tried to get into the bed, they'll probably yell at her and harm her. Finally, she felt the feeling get too strong she pushed herself off the couch and headed over towards the bedroom's door. 

Slowly, she opened the door as she slipped into the room. She peered at the bed as she saw Fenrir sleeping up right, on his side with his back facing towards her while Scabior was sleeping upside down on his back with his head nearly off the end of the bed. She removed her dress, allowing it to slip down to her ankles, leaving her naked before she walked over to the bed. Carefully she climbed over Fenrir and made herself comfortable in between the two. She just tucked herself in when she felt like someone was watching her. She peered over her shoulder to see Fenrir was now laying on his elbow, looking down at her with his head tilted to the side. At the end of his lips, she could see his lips trying hard not to smirk. She groaned. 

"Oh! Shut up," she mumbled, cuddling in the blanket. Fenrir snickered as his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her against his front. While she was getting comfortable, she felt Scabior's body suddenly slithering upwards until his head was laying against her breast and wrapped his arms around her as well. Hermione began to lightly combed her fingers through Scabior's hair. 

The light from the window brushed against her eyelids, causing her to fluttered her eyes open. She carefully lifted herself on her elbows when suddenly a warm breath brushed against her buds, causing her to gasp as she bit her lips. She peered down to see Scabior still having his head leaning against her chest but now with his mouth open ajar allowing his warm moist breath to brush over her buds. Hermione carefully attempted to push his head away; however, he kept moving back till his face was buried in between her breasts. Hermione shook her head believing that was as far away as she was going to get him.  

She then felt a gentle rut against her rear causing her to glance over and see Fenrir's body thrusting against her. Hermione felt a blush forming over her checks when she felt his shaft brushing against her rear. She buried her face in the pillow, trying hard not to moan out, while Fenrir began to rut a bit harder against her. She felt Fenrir's nails digging deeper into her hips as he pushed her closer to his body. The interaction was interrupted when a knock at the door caused them to jolt up in their bed. 

"What?!?!" Fenrir growled causing Hermione to wince at the rage in his voice. Scabior groaned as he pushed Hermione's body against his own burying his face in her neck. 

"I beg your pardon, Alpha, but you have a visitor." Misty's voice echoed through the door. Fenrir pushed himself up on his elbows. 

"Who is it?" he asked. 

"It's Lyle, sir. Lyle is here to see you." Misty replied. 

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