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What is this? New Members Sign Up Day? Fenrir thought as he walked out of his cabin with Scabior, Hermione and Ron following behind  him. He didn't know what he was going to do but he knew he needed to figure out what the hell was going on. So quickly as he could, he rushed alongside Levi and Scabior towards where Levi said he had left the three under the watchful eye of some of the other betas. They finally found them surrounded by betas just like Levi had told them. He didn't recognized the two younger girls but he knew the man. Remus Lupin. Fenrir chuckled as he made his way up to the group. 

"Well, well, well... Lupin," Fenrir called out, causing everyone to look at him. He could see the glare in Remus eyes as he slowly made his way through the betas towards him. Fenrir noticed that Remus was clinging his arm to his side as blood seeped down it. Before Remus could say a word, one of the girls (a redhead) screamed out. 

"RON!" she screamed as she went rushing from the betas towards Ron. Ron sped up as they hugged each other in a tight group hug. The blonde girl came running after as she join in the hugging with Hermione. 

"Ginny! I can't believe it! You're here! You're actually here! How did you three get here anyway?" Ron asked her, still holding onto her like he fear that if he let her go then she would vanish from where they stood.  Ginny glance up towards him. 

"When the Dark Lord had spread the news to his followers that if any of the runaways escape and enter the forest, they belong to the werewolves I knew it was worth the risk. So when it got late out, I waited for my captors to fall asleep and slipped through the window of the laundry room." Ginny explained, "I got halfway through the woods when I bumped into Luna and Remus." 

"We escaped from the Lestrange household." Remus admitted, "Luna and I were both place under the 'care' of Bellatrix Lestrange. After getting the bars finally filed off, we slipped from the cellar and ran as fast as we could to get away." 

"What happened to the arm?" Fenrir asked, pointed at his arm. Remus shook his head while chuckling. 

"Bellatrix thought it would be fun to see how far my arm could bend backward." Remus stated to them. Fenrir wiped his hand over his face as he shook his head. 

"If this keeps up, the Dark Lord probably is going to remove this rule real quick and probably put out rewards to get you all back." Fenrir admitted, thinking instantly of what this was going to mean for his pack. Remus nodded. 

"I'm shocked the Dark Lord even suggested the thing. Also he said something about not hurting about you, Hermione," Remus stated while pointing at Hermione, "Which really got Bellatrix barking mad. I do not know how that happened."

"My Grandfather Lyle got him to do those terms." Hermione explained to them while letting go of Luna. Remus eyes narrowed before looking at Fenrir and mumbled 'that Lyle?' and Fenrir nodded his head  in a silent 'yep'.  Remus shook his head.  

"I'm not entirely surprise, that man can get anyone to do what he wants with a snap of his finger." Remus claimed. 

"That... and the fact Lyle is the bloody Uncle of Voldemort and the Dark Lord found out could also have something to do with that." Ron declared, loud enough as if he wanted the whole world to know. Hermione gave him a death look as Luna, Ginny, and Remus looked at her with shocked. 

"I'm sorry... are you saying Lyle is the Uncle of the Dark Lord... but he's her grandfather..." Remus dragged like he was trying to be clear of the whole thing, "and that would mean... she's the cousin of the Dark Lord." 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Scabior spoke up, "We're not going through this argument again! Besides, Remus needs to go to the Healers which is good because Hermione needs to go there anyway." 

"And what is that, may I ask?" Hermione asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Fenrir rolled his eyes as he pushed Remus over to Hermione. 

"Just go get runt here, fixed." Fenrir told her. He could see it in her eye that she did not like the way he talk to her but kept her mouth shut and took her friend to the healer's tent. Fenrir then turned to look at the new members of his pack. 

"It seems I got to find places for you two then." He growled before turning his beta, "Levi, take these girls and go find some of the unmated women of our pack and see if any of them want to have new tent-mates." 

"Yes, Alpha," Levi said while bowing his head respectfully. Levi motioned for them to follow behind. The Ginny girl was a bit nervous as she kept her distance from the werewolves. Then there was that Luna lass, who just has this calm demeanor to her as she skipped behind them like this was all some big game. When she passed, Fenrir, she mumbled a 'thank you, sir' and continued skipping. Fenrir couldn't help but laugh as he turned to headed over to his cabin, wondering what was he going to do with the whole lot of them. 

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