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Fenrir tightened his fists and stood up as tall as he could since he could feel everyone's eyes on him and his betas. He knew they were all looking at him, silently judging him and already wishing him death. It was because he was one of the few packs that joined the Dark Lord's side.  

"He's the one that did this! He was the one who brought the Dark Lord breathing down our necks in the first place!" Someone shouted, which started to get everyone all fired up. 

"He's a traitor to the werewolf packs!" 

"Hang him!" 

"Enough!" Artemis screamed, causing everyone to be silenced, "As I said before, we are to join forces together to deal with the Death Eaters, who are invading our woods." 

"With all due respect," Lyle spoke up, walking closer to her, "I just lost half my Betas just merely walking here by Death Eaters. I'm down men as it already is and just lowered. We can't go on living this way. Those Death Eaters are already in our woods, waiting for the right moment..." 

Lyle abruptly stopped his speech when he came right in front of Fenrir as his eyes gazed over his shoulders. He seemed to freeze completely as his mouth dropped a few inches. 

"Hermione?" he whispered. Fenrir turned to face her as she saw her expression was out of shock. 

"Grandpa?" she whispered back. Fenrir and Scabior's mouth dropped as they darted their eyes between Lyle and Hermione. Fenrir couldn't believe his new Mate was the granddaughter of Lyle, who he hated more than life itself. Lyle turned to face Fenrir as his expression changed to rage. 

"You... You... You kidnapped my granddaughter... you forced her to be yours... and his mate..." Lyle growled as he suddenly grabbed hold of Fenrir's collar,  "I'm going to kill you!" 

Lyle raised his hand, his claws sharp and long, ready to strike as Fenrir and Scabior were about to defend themselves when a growl sounding almost inhuman caused them to turn to see Artemis walking over towards them. 

"We will speak of this privately!" She demanded as she moved through the crowd. Lyle turned as he took hold of Hermione's hand while they walked behind each other behind Artemis. Fenrir didn't bother with trying to grab hold of Hermione. He was still stunned to learn she was his granddaughter. They followed behind, listening to the sound of people mumbling about him violating the codes. They walked a bit out before they settled to discuss this entire thing. 

"We will start this by having Fenrir explain his and Scabior's  defense of having... Hermione was it?," Artemis asked, looking at Hermione, who nodded her head, "in their grasp." 

 Fenrir didn't waste a moment in explaining to her about the whole thing where Hermione was a war prize from the Dark Lord for his services he had done under his command and he had no prior knowledge that she was even remotely Lyle's granddaughter. Once he was finished, Artemis shook her head as she gazed over to Hermione. 

"Have they bit you, my dear?" she asked Hermione. 

"Yes, both of them." Hermione told her, lightly whimpered. Artemis tapped her chin. 

"That does trouble things with the Code of the Bite and the Code of Courtship." Artemis mumbled. 

"Excuse me, what?" Hermione asked. 

"The Code of the Bite is where whoever the Alpha bites, they belong to his or her Pack. But the Code of Courtship says that if a member or members of a pack, especially if it's an Alpha, wants to be a mate with another Alpha's kin, regardless of their relationship, they must court them till a certain amount of days near the full moon to earn their affection. But they must respect the choice of the person they had chosen if they do not agree with being their mate or not." Artemis explained to Hermione, shaking her head, "And given they bit you means you technically belong to them, however, given they did not court you properly, it goes to reason that you should have a choice in saying if you want to stay with them or not." 

"Than that settles it," Lyle growled, lightly grabbing Hermione's hand, "Hermione will come live with me and my pack."  

"Hold on!" Scabior blurted, "You heard her, technically Hermione belongs to us, so she stays with us!" 

Before anyone could argue, Artemis raised her hands. 

"Quiet it down! I know what must be done. For now, Hermione will stay with Fenrir and Scabior in their pack..." 

"I beg your..." Lyle cut in until Artemis glared at him, causing him to hush it. 

"Hermione will stay with Fenrir and Scabior in their pack for now till the full moon. During this time at their pack, Fenrir and Scabior will be courting her just as the Code of Courtship states. And when the full moon comes, and Hermione chooses to stay, then she shall stay. But if she chooses to go, she will go and live with Lyle. That way, it respects the rules. Do you all agree to these terms?" Artemis asked. 

"I would like to add something to those terms," Lyle stated. Fenrir rolled his eyes, knowing he was going to do something like this. 

"And what is that?" Artemis asked. 

"I want to bring in the Code of The Protection of Kin into this. If I so much as hear, see, or suspect that Fenrir and Scabior are doing my Granddaughter any harm in any way, I have the right to come and ensure her safety. If the charges are proven right, I have the right to rip Fenrir and Scabior apart." Lyle explained with a firm glare at them. Artemis nodded. 

"Fair enough," Artemis confirmed then turned towards Fenrir and Scabior, "Anything you two would like to add? Or even want to argue this addition?" 

"No," Fenrir answered. He couldn't dismiss Lyle's request. It was a fair one. He knew that if he had any kin, who were being abused, he would want to rip the son of a bitch open for laying a hand on his family member. Hell, he would it even if they weren't blood related. Artemis nodded as she gently took hold of Hermione's hand and pulled her towards Fenrir and Scabior.

"Now it is settled, you all may return to your packs. Watch out for Death Eaters, they may be around every corner." Artemis stated to them. Fenrir nodded his head as he lightly wrapped his arm around her waist as he began to walk away. From the corner of his eye, he watched as Lyle lifted his finger to his neck as he slowly ran it across. 

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