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A/n: This chapter contains sexual parts. You have been warned. 

Hermione walked into the bathroom and was stunned. It was pretty large and surprisingly big. The floors were a black and white tile thing with the walls painted a light grey color. They had a two sink vanity top with a large mirror hanging overhead and across from it was a whirlpool tub that was capable of holding three people comfortably. Scabior was already soaking in the tub, leaning on the edge with his arms spread out behind him. 

"Took you two long enough," Scabior shot while he moved over to the side. Fenrir tapped Hermione's shoulder, letting her know she was going in first. Not wanting to deal with anything else for today, Hermione climbed into the tub. She tried to seat far away from Scabior, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her till she was in between his legs and leaning against his chest. She could feel her body turned a blushing shade of red when she felt his shaft pressing against her rear.  Fenrir climbed in next and sat beside them. For a moment they sat there, enjoying the warm of the tub. Until Scabior grabbed a rag and proceeded to rub it along her shoulders.

 Hermione wanted to tell him off but she fear Fenrir would probably bite her head off if she did. So she kept her mouth shut. She squirmed a bit when Scabior began to wash her breasts. He purposely cleaned her slower there, trying to get some reaction out of her, while he leaned his head into the crook of her neck. Hermione bit her lips as he lowered down her stomach and towards her womanhood. She whimpered when he ran his over her folds. He then began rubbing against her pearl, causing her to grab his wrists. 

"P... Please don't." she pleaded, feeling tears start to form on the brim. She could feel Scabior smirking against her skin. She shrieked as she felt a hand pulling her from Scabior's grip and pressed her along Fenrir's side. 

"Not tonight, the girl has been through enough." Fenrir told him. Scabior pouted while he leaned against the tub. 

"Fine!" Scabior growled. Hermione lightly sighed until she felt Scabior pull her back towards him before he handed her the rag then pressed her hand against his chest. 

"If I can't play with her, she can wash us." Scabior stated, pulling some of her hair from her face. Hermione's blush darken. She couldn't believe what Scabior was asking of her. Then again, she could. She listened as Fenrir snicker behind her. Hermione rolled her eyes before forcing herself to run the rag, extra gently, over Scabior's chest. Unlike her, Scabior wasn't afraid to let whatever sound wanted to leave his lips. It made her blush even more with every moan that escaped. Hermione finished with washing his upper half and legs and was about to move over to Fenrir when Scabior grabbed her hand. Before she could ask, he lowered it towards his manhood.  Her eyes widened as she turned to look away as she rubbed his shaft with the rag, careful not to touch it with her own hand. 

Once she was done (after Scabior gave her the ok), she moved over to Fenrir. As she washed along his form, she couldn't but notice all his scars. Sure Scabior had a few cuts and bruises here and there but nothing compared his Fenrir's. He had scars over five inches long. Then she saw the scar she had personally gave Fenrir. It had dried up but it was still a deep shade of red. Hermione lightly tapped on it as Fenrir didn't even flinch. It was like he was immune to the pain. It left her wondering exactly how must hell did he went through to not even flinch. She shook her head. She didn't want to think of Fenrir or Scabior for that matter as anything but two Death Eaters/Snatchers. She drifted her focus onto finishing with washing Fenrir but it never left. 

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