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A/n: This chapter contains some violence, mentions of blood, attempted rape, and murder. You have been warned. 

"I cant believe it resulted in me having to kill that bastard. Our pack is low in numbers as it is. We can't afford to lose anymore of our pack," Fenrir growled while he licked the blood from his hand. When he reached the fight, the two men who were fighting were almost covered in their blood. Fenrir attempted to just break it up; however, the two men were so determined in killing each other. He didn't even get to know what the hell was happening between them because... well one was is dead and the other was now in critical condition and at the Healer's tent. 

He knew the war was really hard on his pack but he didn't know it would result in something like this. He remembered how he never really wanted to get into this stupid war but given the fact that Voldemort had threatened to kill them all if he didn't join them. Also he had promised Fenrir that they will make it so Half Breeds like himself will have a better life under his rule. Enough though part of Fenrir didn't believe him, but he didn't want to put his pack at risk. Worse part is, he feared his pack was trying to uprise against him since he's been gone for so long. 

"But we can't afford to have any trouble makers in the pack. They would cause others to think they can behave with disrespect towards you." Scabior reminded him. Fenrir nodded his head and was about to say something when he noticed the door to his cabin was flung opened. They peered at each other before they pulled out their wands and proceeded closer to the cabin. Fenrir peered into the cabin, looking for any sign of someone being in there. Fenrir sniffed the room in search of any scent within the cabin. He could smell Hermione's scent very clear where he stood, making note that she had recently been in the living room. From the corner of his eyes he could see a trail of blood running down the floor. He bent his knees as he pressed the tips of his fingers into the blood and lifted it up to his nose. He lightly sniffed before licking it. His eyes widened as he growled. 

"One of our pack mates decided it was such a great idea to come breaking into my cabin." Fenrir snapped before standing up. 

"Fenrir!" Fenrir turned around, rushing out of the house towards where Scabior stood, who was pointing to the ground. Fenrir peered down to see the trail of blood heading to the woods. He shook his head. 

"Lets go hunting." He ordered before they began running towards the woods. 

Hermione rushed through the forest, not caring about the direction she was taking. All she could think about is to get away as quickly as possible. She would glance behind her a couple of times to ensure she was staying far away from the man. She was rounding an old oak tree when she found herself slamming into the ground. She struggled with the weight of the person on top of him as he attempted to tie her down to the ground. She tried to pull away from his restraints which only resulted in him punching her in the stomach. She winced as she felt the wind knocked out of her. He was able to pin her arms over her head with one hand as the other lightly brushed against her face. 

"You're a feisty one, aren't you? You are going to be fun to play with." He whispered. Hermione whimpered, tears beginning to stream down her face, as she tried to squirm away. She felt his fingers start to slither down her front and towards the button of her pants. She was about to  surrender as she closed her eyes when she felt a warm liquid spilling on top of her neck and chest. Slowly she opened her eyes to see the man's throat was slit opened. The man's body collapsed beside her. Hermione was frozen in her stance until she felt a pair of hands grabbing her wrists. 

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