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Hermione couldn't sleep a wink when her Grandpa had told her the news. How was she supposed to react? She was being summoned to Malfoy's Manor to see the Dark Lord, who had killed her best friend. She wasn't looking forward to this. Who would? (Besides Bellatrix) When Morning arrive, she was a zombie. Her body moved but her mind was on other things. She worried as to why he even wanted to see them? He clearly didn't want to be anywhere near a Muggle-born let alone a werewolf Muggle-born so why? What was the big deal that he needed to see her and her Grandfather. 

She was finishing dressing herself when she felt a pair of hands laying over her shoulders. She peered over her shoulder to see Fenrir looking down at her. He began to lightly caress her neck as she raised her hand to hold onto it, but he didn't slow his touches. 

"You're going to be okay. Scabior and myself will be there to make sure he does not attempt to do anything to hurt you." Fenrir assured her, lightly kissing the top of her head while his hands lowered down her torso till they wrapped around her waist. She shook her head as she lightly kissed the back of his hand. 

"I should come too," She peered over to the doorway, she didn't even notice had been opened, to see Ron standing there. She could see the rage glowing in his eyes, seeing her being wrapped in Fenrir's arms. 

"No, you're not idiot. You go there and you will get your ass dragged back to your previous owner. Trust me, it's better if you stay with the pack." Fenrir stated to him. Ron opened his mouth to rebuttal but Hermione beat him to it. 

"He's right, Ron." Hermione claimed, "We don't know what will happen if you go out there. What if Yaxley is there, probably waiting for you to come through those doors? You don't think he will try to get you back and punish you for running away?" 

"I want to help." He stated. 

"You can help with the pack. I sent for my other beta, who's going to watch the pack, to keep an eye on you as well." Fenrir suggested. She could see that Ron clearly did not like this choice but refused to say something probably not wanting to upset Fenrir. It was then that Scabior and her Grandfather walked into the room. 

"Shall we?" Her Grandfather asked. Hermione nodded as she held tightly to Fenrir's hand. Scabior and  Grandfather walked over as they took each others hands then grabbed onto their own. Without wasting another moment, they apparated from the room. 

It felt like forever till they reached the end of their journey. Hermione gazed up as she found her eyes landing on the familiar hedge walls on both sides of her. Slowly, she turned around till she was looking at the gates of the Malfoy Manor. She felt her body start to shiver while her heart began to pound within her chest, screaming for her to escape, to run, to get away as soon as possible. She then saw someone walking down towards the gate, causing them to walk closer to it themselves. When they got closer, Hermione kept a foot-long distance from it. She then saw who it was that was walking towards them. Bellatrix herself. Bellatrix came as close as she could, leaning her face against the bars. Her eyes darted between Fenrir and Scabior then her Grandfather before landing right on her. Bellatrix then tilted her head as Hermione noticed their were other people there as well... and she mumbled...

"Get the Dark Lord." 

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