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"I can't believe she actually would go out with those two. I mean out of all the men on the planet, she goes out with them..." Ron went ranting while Lyle sat on the sofa, trying to remind himself that killing Ron was not worth going to Azkaban and losing his Granddaughter's trust. But he was getting the point where he was about to snap. 

"...How could she do this! How could you let her go out with them? I mean they are the most vile werewolves to ever walk on this planet." Ron asked Lyle. Lyle glared over his shoulder as he tried to keep his arms to his sides. 

"First of all, I am a werewolf and I can be consider quite vile myself. Secondly, do not question something unless you know the full story behind things. Thirdly, if you do not quit your ranting I will not be able to restrain myself from ripping your entire throat open." Lyle warned him. Ron shut his lips till Lyle turned away, gazing at the fireplace. 

"So why is she going out with them?" Ron tested him. Lyle took in a deep breath. 

"Because it was part of the deal we made." Lyle growled. 

"Deal? What deal?" 

"Since Fenrir and Scabior bit Hermione before I knew they had her, I must respect that she sort of belongs to them now. But they are also respecting the Code of Courtship by going out on these dates with her till the full moon. That is when she will decide if she will come to my pack or stay here in Fenrir and Scabior's pack where she will stay their mates." Lyle explained.

"And you're okay with that?" 

"To tell you the truth if it was between the two of them or you... yes. Yes, I would rather she date Fenrir and Scabior. Even if Scabior is just a beta." Lyle stated before reaching over to drink his ale. Ron shook his head in disbelief as he rounded the sofa. 

"What did I do to make you hate me so much?" Ron asked him. Lyle tilted his head as his eyes were burning into Ron's. 

"Do you really want that answer?" Lyle asked him, narrowing his eyes as if to quietly dare him even more to say something. Ron opened his mouth to speak when the door flung opened as Hermione came rushing into the cabin. Before anyone could ask her how her date was, Hermione was already into her room, slamming the door shut. Lyle darted his eyes from the bedroom's door to the front door where Scabior and Fenrir came storming in. 

"What the bloody hell happened?" Lyle asked, pushing himself from the sofa. 

"Bitches," Scabior mumbled, "Bitches are what happened." 

"I beg your pardon?" Lyle asked as Fenrir walked closer to the chair by the sofa. 

"We were walking in the garden that you suggested to us, having a good time when some witches noticed Hermione among us. At first, we thought nothing of it... then they started to say some real shitty stuff about Hermione. At first she attempted to ignore them, but then they called her Scabior and my whore and she wanted to get the hell out of there." 

Lyle cursed under his breath as he couldn't believe what they were saying about his Granddaughter. 

"This night can't get any worse for us, can it?" Lyle asked. It was then a loud shriek caused them to turn their heads and watched as an owl came flying through the window and sat onto the table. It dropped its letter onto the table before flying through the window again. For a moment they stared at the letter before it rose up and formed a pair of lips and eyes as it began to spoke 

Dear Mr. Lyle, 

The Dark Lord has request both yours and Hermione's presences at the Malfoy Manor tomorrow night as soon as possible. Attempts of refusing this request will result in hunting you and your Granddaughter down, killing anyone that gets in the way no matter who they are. 

Hope you are well, 

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy 

The letter then dropped onto the ground as they stared at it in complete disbelief before Fenrir turned toward Lyle and growled. 

"It just got worse." 

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