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Hermione follow beside Fenrir and Scabior as they headed towards the restaurant. She was a bit nervous of going out since of the Death Eaters still lurking around, who probably wanted every piece of her. So in best to keep her safe, Hermione kept to them like glue. They were quickly seated at a lovely window seat where they ordered their meals and drinks before they proceeded to talk with each other. Hermione never thought she could laugh so hard like she did with all the memories Fenrir and Scabior brought up about their youths. 

Her favorite was when Scabior and Fenrir were teaching the pups how to fish. One of the pups was so thrilled with his catch that he wanted to keep it. However, the fish was too small so Fenrir and Scabior told him to put it back into the river. Of course, like all kids at this age, the boy burst out crying as he insisted on keeping the fish and asking why he couldn't keep it. Fenrir started to get furious with the kid for disobeying him that he made the mistake of saying 'Because he is too small to feed the pack!' which the boy cried something about him not wanting to eat fish (since again, kids don't know where a bunch of their foods come from). It lead to the biggest mistake of Scabior saying how 'if you don't eat the fish, you're going to die'. It grabbed everyone's attention then as they all burst out screaming and crying and running back to their parents, saying 'I don't want to die!'. Of course everyone in the pack got furious with the two of them for mentioning it to the kids. 

Once they finished with their meals, they quickly left and headed over towards the gardens that Lyle had told them about. While walking through it, Hermione couldn't help but point out the different types of flowers and trees that they were growing in it. She enjoyed how when she removed her hand from theirs to point at one of the plants, Fenrir and Scabior returned their grip and seemed to tightened their hold like they were silently daring her to remove it from theirs again. While a few minutes in the garden, Hermione noticed there were other people around... and they were staring at them. While passing a few, Hermione couldn't help but hear what a few had to say. 

"Isn't that Hermione Granger? The friend of Harry Potter?" 

"Yeah! That's her!" 

"She has some nerve showing her face around here. I heard she supposedly has smarts, but did she used them to help Potter? No! And look at how we are being forced to live! Under the rule of You-Know-Who!" 

"What she's doing with those Werewolves?" 

"I heard she was given to them by The Dark as some sort of payment for their services with helping his side to win the war." 

"So she's Fenrir's and Scabior's whore? Oh, now she's actually being useful to someone." 

Hermione tried to drown them out as best as she could but when they called her a 'whore', she lost it. She felt the tears dripping down her cheeks as her chest seemed to tighten around her lungs. 

"Ignore them love" Scabior whispered into her ear. 

"Take me home... please..." she pleaded as she felt her breathing worsen. Fenrir nodded as he didn't waste a moment as he apparated them out of there. 

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