A Big Ask- C. Herrmann

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requested by @xXFrankenHeartXx

Getting married is arguably the best day of one's life. Being surrounded by family and friends who are there to celebrate with you and your significant other. Yes that of course was the case but there was something that I had already dreaded about this day and it was walking down the aisle by myself. Everyone at the firehouse knew my father was not around when I was younger and even less so as I got older. The wedding was taking place in exactly one week and to say I had pre wedding jitters is an absolute understatement. It was my last shift at the firehouse until I returned from our honeymoon. It was relatively slow which is not something that happens very often. A few Ambo calls here and there which Brett and I took care of with much ease as most of them were our frequent flyers. Brett's paramedicine program is still in the works and Chief Hawkins was seriously giving my girl the runaround. Staring blankly at my cup of coffee, I was snapped back into reality when Brett asked me, "So, wedding is next week. Any last minute things you need me to do for you? It is my duty as your maid of honor to make this as stress free as possible." Smiling, I looked at her and giggled a little. "No, Brett everything is already finalized and ready to go. All we have to do is show up. Thank you though." She could tell something was still bothering me as I went back to staring at the less that delicious cup of blackness that was sitting in my mug. "Y/N. What's bothering you? And don't say nothing because I know you. Sometimes even better than you know yourself." Sighing, I finally gave in. "Just thinking about having to walk down the aisle alone. I thought I had come to terms with it days ago but I just can't seem to stop thinking about it. I don't even have a brother or an uncle that I could ask. This blows." Grabbing my hands, she looked deep into my eyes as I did hers. "Babe, you know that you have a house full of people who are going to be there to support you but you and I both know that there is one person here that has had your back from the very beginning. He picked you up when you were down, took you under his wing when you were knew around here and quite frankly I'm surprised you haven't put it together yet." Contemplating for a minute, it finally clicked for me, "Sylvie Brett you are a genius. Herrmann is perfect for this. He's the closest thing I have to a father why didn't I think of him sooner?" Realizing suddenly that the wedding was a week away that this was your last shift before seeing everyone next week, I knew I had to act fast. "But what if he doesn't want to? What if he's upset I didn't ask him earlier and he says no?" Tilting her head giving me that 'seriously?' look, she deadpanned, "Are you kidding me? Y/N, that man would walk through the gates of hell for you because you mean so much to him. I am positive he would be more than happy to do this for you." Realizing she was right, I nodded my head, "Yeah I know. Okay I gotta go find him then. Thank you Brett. Seriously, I don't know what I would do without you."

After looking around the firehouse for almost 10 minutes, I finally found him in the turnout room scrubbing his coat making sure it was in its best condition. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat getting his attention. "Hey kiddo! How ya doin? Excited for the big day?" he asked in his usual chipper tone. "Yeah, getting more excited each day," I smiled. "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Herrmann I have a really big favor to ask you. I realize this should have been done a lot sooner," I paused, reading his expressions. "What's goin on kid? Everything okay?" he asked. "Yeah totally. I just was wondering, if maybe, you might consider...walking me down the aisle next week?" He was stunned silent. "It's just, you are the father I never had. You've always looked out for me, given advice when I needed it, told me things that maybe I didn't want to hear but needed to. Herrmann, you've treated me like your own and you are everything a father should be to a girl. Everything I've only imagined having. So please? Will you give me away next week?" Looking for any expression in his face started to panic me as I couldn't tell what he was thinking. "Are you kidding me? I would be more than honored to do this for you. You are one of the most kind hearted young ladies I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I know it hasn't been easy on you with your dad an all but I am more than happy to have provided that for you." I had tears in my eyes as did he. I let out a laugh mixed with my breath that I didn't know I was holding. "C'mere kid." He reached out pulling me into a hug. "Thank you, Herrmann!" I said as I hugged him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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