Sickly Severide- K. Severide

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*3rd person pov*

Y/N Severide hasn't been sick many times seeing as she's only 5, in fact this is the first time she's ever felt this badly. It was 4:45 a.m., way too early for any child to be awake, when she got down from her pink and purple princess bed and grabbed her favorite stuffed sloth, gift from her uncle Matt, and made her way down the hall to her daddy's room. She pushed the door open to see him sleeping, one arm hanging over the bed, soft snores coming from him. She padded over to the side of the bed and shook her fathers arm to try to wake him. After multiple attempts and even saying, "Daddy wake up," he finally stirred and turned to see the small figure that is his daughter at his bedside. He squinted and looked at his alarm clock reading 4:47 a.m. "Baby what are you doing up this early?" he asked her. "I don't feel good daddy," she said quietly. He picked her up and put her in bed next to him, "Can you tell me what's wrong?" he asked. "My tummy hurts," she replied pouting, snuggling up into her dads side. "Aww I'm sorry, bug. Try to go back to sleep, when you wake up maybe you'll feel better," he told her. She nodded and just snuggled up closer to him. Soon she drifted off back into a deep sleep and he joined her for about an hour before his alarm went off signaling he had to get ready for shift. He quickly showered and put on his his clothes for the day. He packed his overnight bag and did the same for y/n. Ever since her mother died, y/n had been going to the firehouse when she wasn't at kindergarten. Seeing as she wasn't feeling good, he thought it'd be best for her to skip as to not get any of the other kids sick. Not wanting to wake his sleeping daughter, he grabbed her favorite blanket and wrapped her up in it, also making sure to grab her sloth. He grabbed her backpack and his duffle before making his way to the car. She slept the whole way to the firehouse, knowing she's probably got a cold or stomach bug seeing as she's sleeping so much. Usually by 6, she was up and bouncing off the walls.

Once the Severide's arrived at the firehouse, he again grabbed her backpack and his duffle, slinging them over his shoulder. He unbuckled her from the car seat, made sure she was wrapped up cause Chicago winters were not nice. Can't forget Barry! He forgot her sloth one time and it was an absolute nightmare so he always makes sure she has him. He made his way into the firehouse as Casey and Brett were walking in, both of them noticing the bundle in their friends arms. Casey gave him a questioning look, "It's Monday, doesn't she have school?" the sandy haired captain asked. "Yeah she woke up not feeling good so I thought it'd be better for her to not go. I don't want her getting anyone else sick," he said. Brett opened the door for him, seeing as he had his hands quite full. "Thanks," he said walking in. He took his daughter to his quarters and laid her on the bed before giving her Barry, to which she immediately cuddled. Once he settled her in, he informed Boden of what was going on, ensuring she wouldn't get in the way or interfere with anything. Boden nodded, knowing she's a good child, it wasn't hard for him to agree. "Severide you don't have to explain. Y/n is very well behaved and has never given us anything to worry about," he told the lieutenant.

Y/n woke up an hour later from the alarm bells going off. She looked around her, noticing she wasn't at home anymore. Her tummy didn't hurt anymore but she was very congested. Coughing before she left the quarters, she grabbed her blanket and Barry, searching for her father. Nothing in the kitchen, no one in the conference room. She was walking the hall and noticed a picture of her mom. Yes, Leslie Shay was her mother. She died only a few months after she was born. Her and Severide were able to successfully get pregnant and they had y/n. She looked at the picture a minute more before making her way to the app floor thinking he might be at the Squad table. He still wasn't anywhere to be found but Truck was organizing compartments when Gallo noticed the small figure standing there staring at them. He tapped Kidd and motioned to her with his head. "Hey kiddo, your dad went out on a call but he'll be back soon okay. Why don't we go to uncle Matt's office so you can wait for him there," she said reaching out for the girl to grab her hand. Y/n had always liked Stella. Her dad and her spent a lot of time together. Kidd knocked on the door of her captains quarters before he said, "Come in." Stella opened the door saying, "Special delivery," before you came into view. "Hey squirt!" he said enthusiastically. "It's way too cold for her to be outside and Kelly's out so I figured she should come in here," Stella said. "Yeah no problem, I've got her," he said. Kidd went back to the app floor, doing what she was doing and y/n got to hang with her favorite uncle. She quickly jumped onto his bed before they engaged in a very interesting conversation about Barry and her favorite fruit snacks. "I don't know how you can say that the red one is the best when it is clearly blue," Matt said to the 5 year old on his bed. "No uncle Matt! The red one is the best," she giggled back. They were both so engaged in their debate that they didn't notice Kelly at the door, smiling and clearly enjoying the events unfolding before him. He finally knocked making himself known. "Daddy!" she exclaimed hopping down from the bed. He scooped her up in his arms and propped her up on his hip. "Hi baby. I see you're feeling better," he said right before you started coughing. "Spoke too soon," he said looking at Matt. "Thanks for watching her, I'm gonna go see if Brett has anything to give her for that cough," he said before taking her to the ambo where Brett was doing inventory. "Hi Auntie Brett," she exclaimed. Y/n always called Sylvie by her last name, probably because she'd heard her dad say it so much. "Hey munchkin. Barry," she said making her giggle. "Do you have anything I can give her? She's got a pretty bad cough and I think she's wheezing," he asked the blond. "Yeah, let me have a listen," she said grabbing her stethoscope from the jump bag. She listened to y/n's lungs for a minute before saying, "Nothing to be worried about, just give her this," she said giving him a small vile of cough syrup. "the wheezing should subside once she coughs up all that stuff inside her." Severide took the vile and thanked his friend. "C'mon kid, let's go get something to eat," he said looking at his daughter, the spitting image of her mother. The two Severides walked back into the firehouse and got some food in their stomachs. Kelly watched as his daughter gobbled down her cereal and he thought about what he'd done in his life to be given such a great kid.

A/N: okay i swear i thought someone requested this but my mind must be playing tricks on me. if you've requested something i'm sorry it's taking so long. i've just got a lot going on right now so i promise i'll have them out as soon as possible!

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