You're Always Gone- J. Halstead

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Your brother, Jay, was off to work when you were just barely getting up to get ready for school. Sometimes you would go all day without seeing him because when you wake up he's gone and by the time he comes home from work, you're already sleeping. Almost every night, you'd cry cause you loved your brother so much and you missed seeing him. Your mom started to notice something was going on with you because you would barley eat, your grades started dropping and you would only come out of your room to eat, go to the bathroom or go to school. "Sweetie, what's going on with you lately? You don't seem yourself." By then, you started to tear up. You didn't want your mom to see so you darted up to your room and slammed the door. Once you locked the door you flopped onto your bed and cried your eyes out. You heard your mom on the phone with someone but you thought nothing of it. After about 20 minutes of crying, you heard a knock on your door but you didn't open it cause you thought it was your mom. That was until you heard your brother say, "Y/N? Can I come in?" You wiped your tears and you opened the door to see your brother with a sad expression plastered on his face. "Honey what's wrong? Mom called me and told me that you started crying for no reason." "ITS NOT FOR NO REASON!" You suddenly snapped. He looked taken back. "I'm sorry Jay. It's just, I never see you anymore cause you're always working. I miss spending time with you and it seems like I don't see you for days at a time." It stayed quiet for about 7 seconds until he said, "How about this, I have some days off next week and we'll spend all those days together. I promise. And if you want, Erin can join us, WHEN WE GO TO DISNEYLAND!!" Your face lit up like you just got told the best thing on the planet. Cause you've wanted to go to Disneyland ever since you were 9. So this was the best day, well it will probably be the second considering your going to Disneyland in less than 5 days. With your brother and Erin.

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