Can You Make Me Some Chicken Soup?- K. Severide

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requested by @StaceyStonier

The sound of my annoying alarm clock made me groan and roll over to turn it off. After coming out of my grogginess, I realized something was off. My head was pounding, my stomach felt queasy, my body was sore and I could only breathe out of one nostril. In my whole 15 years of living, I had only been sick a handful of times. I got out of bed and got in the shower to start getting ready for school. Once I got out, I'd decided it was going to be a sweatpants kinda day just cause I felt like absolute crap. I put my things in my back pack and headed out to the living room where my brother, his girlfriend and best friend we're already eating breakfast. "Morning y/n!" everyone cheered. To which I just grumbled and said, "Morning," before going to the fridge and pouring myself a glass of orange juice. "What's up? You're not your usual chipper self," Stella said. "I woke up sick so I feel like absolute crap," I told them grabbing a tissue, blowing my nose. All three of them cringed at the sound that I produced. "C'mere," Matt motioned. I walked over and sat next to him at the counter. He put the back of his hand to my head, "Oh my gosh your hand is so cold that feels amazing," I said, then grabbing his hand and placing it on my cheek. "She's definitely got a fever. There's no way she's going to school," he turned to Severide. "Alright well we've got shift so let me call Boden to see if he can get someone to cover," my brother said, grabbing his phone. "No it's fine. Can I just stay home by myself? I'll be fine Kell," he looked at his roommates before agreeing. "Fine but if anything changes, you feel worse or you need anything you call me," he said sternly. "I'll be fine. I just need to rest. And i'll email my teachers for all of my work. Can you just make sure to call the school and tell them i'll be out?" I asked. "Yeah i'll call them on my way in. We gotta go guys," he said, all of them picking up their plates, placing them in the sink. My brother grabbed his bag and gave me a kiss on the top of my head before heading out. "Love you guys. Be safe!" I said before they walked out the door and yelled, "Love you too." Deciding to email my teachers now so I could get started on my work, I pulled out my laptop and gave them the whole 'I'm too sick to attend today' thing and asked them to email me my work. I closed my laptop and decided to get a little bit more sleep.

When I woke up, all the symptoms I felt before were 100x worse. Every move I made, my body screamed in pain. I was now breathing out of my mouth which then caused a sore throat. I got the thermometer out of the drawer from my my bedside table. I placed it in my mouth and waited for it to tell me my fate. 103.2. Great, it probably went up from this morning. I went to search the bathroom medicine cabinet for any medication I could take to help relieve some of this. After searching both bathrooms I came up empty. I hated calling my brother to take him away from work but it's not like I had a license to go to the store to get some. I picked up my phone and dialed my brothers number but much to my dismay, he didn't answer. I then called Brett to ask her if maybe she could bring me something. After 3 rings she picked up, "Hey baby Severide. To what do I owe this pleasure," she said in her normal bubbly tone. "Hey Sylvie. I stayed home sick and I'm getting worse but Kell isn't answering his phone," I told her. "He's out on a call right now but Foster and I will swing by to bring you something," she said. "Thank you so much. I just feel awful," I said almost wanting to cry. "Don't sweat it, we'll be there soon," she said before hanging up. I grabbed my comforter off my bed, went to unlock the door and went to the couch. I fell asleep for like 20 mins before someone was waking me up.

I opened my eyes and much to my surprise, my brother was kneeled down in front of me. "Hey goob. Not feelin any better?" he asked. I started crying because of how awful I felt. He wrapped his arms around me trying to calm me down. "Brett told me you called her. They were about to leave when we got back from our call," he told me. I turned my head and saw the two paramedics getting some stuff out of their bag, one of them being an IV. My eyes widened considerably, I freaking hate needles. "I know, but you need fluids to help you feel better," my brother said squeezing my hand. He quickly sat me up before sliding onto the couch behind me. "Just close your eyes and hold onto my hand," he told me while bringing my head to his chest. I felt the needle go in so I squeezed his hand. "It's okay. It's in now," he said soothingly. I opened my eyes and saw Brett secure the needle with some tape. "Have her take this after she eats something," Foster said, handling him a small box of medicine. He nodded taking the box from her, "Thank you guys. I'll see you next shift if she's better by then," he told them as they packed up. "Hope you feel better y/n," Sylvie said smiling at me. "Thanks," I replied softly as they walked out the door. "I'm sorry you had to come home," I said looking up at my brother, still holding my IV bag. "Don't be sorry. You must be feeling pretty awful cause that's the only time you'd call me," he said. I just replied with a nod. "Okay well you need to eat so you can take this medicine. Nothing is off limits, I can get pizza or whatever you want," he said wanting to spoil me. "Can you make me some chicken soup?" I asked quietly. I could tell he wasn't expecting that, probably thinking I'd want something totally different, but honestly, I love his chicken soup. "Of course I can," he smiled as he got off the couch and headed to the kitchen to get to work. Once he was done, he brought the bowl to the coffee table to let it cool down. He joined me on the couch, my head resting on his lap, while we watched my favorite show. "Thank you for taking care of me," I said, looking up at him. He just squished my cheeks and said to me, "Love you goob." I smiled at the life long nickname. "I love you too Kell," I replied. We spent the rest of the day lounging. watching my favorite movies and TV shows.

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