Couldn't Have Imagined This- J. Halstead

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Pt.2!! this pic has nothing to do with the story but LOOK AT MY BABYYYY!!

*3 years later*

Today was my little girls birthday. She turned 3 and my heart felt so full. Well almost. Last week, I'd gotten news that Al passed away."Hey sis. What's goin through your head?" Erin asked me, whilst also cutting pieces of cake. "I think I should take her to see Jay. Al's death is just making me think that life is so short and precious. I don't want anything to happen to Jay and she doesn't ever get to meet her father. We know better than anyone what it's like to come from a broken home. I don't want to put her through unnecessary heartache," I told her. Yes both me and my sister were taken in by Hank and Camille. Bunny was never the mother we needed her to be. The Voight's were everything we needed and wanted. "Well, I was actually going to wait to bring this up, but Jay has been asking about you more. Voight said he's been nothing but an absolute mess. I think it's a good idea. We'll go with you if you want," she said as she gave a soft smile. Kelly and Erin got married shortly after Nadia was born. And yes, she was also named after mine and Erin's best friend who was killed. "If you wouldn't mind. I just don't think I can do it alone," I spoke candidly. "You know we've got your back," she said grabbing my hand. I just gave her a smile and told her, "I know. And I love you even more for that,"

"Y/N! It's time to go if we're gonna beat traffic," Kelly yelled from downstairs. "Yeah I'm coming!" I yelled back. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and took one last glance at myself in the mirror before trotting downstairs. "Hey. Everything's gonna be fine. I know you're nervous but it's all going to work itself out," he told be putting an arm on my shoulder. I reached up and gently squeezed his hand, "I know. I just don't know how he's going to react. I just want her to know her father before it's too late," He pulled me into a hug and again reassured me it was all going to be okay. "C'mon. Erin and Nadia are waiting for us in the car," he said practically pushing me out the door. I hopped into the back seat with Nadia and we prepared ourselves for the 3 hour stressful car ride. Once arriving in Chicago, everything hit like a wave. All the memories of a past life were now rushing back to me. Hmm, that's the corner where I took down my first perp with Jay. After driving about 10 more minutes, the car came to a stop. I looked up and saw the district. Erin turned around in the front seat and asked, "Do you want us to go in with you?" I contemplated before shaking my head. "No, I need to do this on my own. She nodded, "Of course." "Hey, you've got this," Kelly said looking at me through the rear view mirror. I nodded, taking Nadia out of her car seat, and slinging the backpack over my shoulders. I grabbed her little fingers and we walked through the double doors of the 21st. The first friendly face I saw was Platt. She was really tearing into a patrolman until she saw me. She quickly dismissed him and came out from behind the desk. "Y/N! Oh my gosh, what are you doing here?" she exclaimed. "I heard about Al. We just wanted to come see and meet everyone," I told her. "We?" she asked. I stood to the side to reveal my 3 year old baby girl who was hiding behind my leg. She gasped before covering her mouth. She looked back up at me and I nodded. "Yeah, she was born 8 months after I left," I said. She then bent down and told Nadia, "Hi. My name's Trudy," she said with a smile. "What's your name?" She whispered, "Nadia." Platt's eyes immediately started filling with tears. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Nadia. You look just like your mommy," all Nadia did was give her a big smile. "Umm, Platt, Jay doesn't know, obviously. We came to see him. Can you take us up?" I asked her. "Yeah, c'mon up," she said before walking up the stairs and buzzing us up. Before I could even see them, I heard the familiar voices of my old team. They must not have been working a case since I heard them laughing. Before coming into their view, I stopped and took a deep breath. Trying to calm myself, I looked at my daughter. She was the reason I was doing this. She deserves only the best out of life and who was I to deprive her of that. "Hey guys, there's someone here to visit," Platt said before stepping aside. Everything went quiet. The only person there who wasn't surprised was Hank. The silence was daunting, until Nadia. She ran up to Voight screaming out of pure excitement even though she'd seen him only a week earlier. "Grandpa!" He scooped her up in his arms while she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Grandpa Hank, who are they?" she asked looking up at him. He told her, "Mommy used to work with these people. Do you wanna say hi?" She nodded her head. First, was Kim and Kevin. "This right here, is Kim, and her partner Kevin," he told her pointing to each of them. Kim gave her a big smile before telling her, "Hi sweetheart. You are such a beautiful girl," she complimented. "Thank you," she said as she blushed. Next were Adam and Tonio, they way they looked at her, you could tell that they already loved her. Knowing them, they were going to spoil her to the max, cause what else are uncles for? And last was Jay. Hank handed her off to me and I introduced her to him myself. "Y/n what the he-" he stopped looking at the little girl in my arms, "what the heck is going on. "Is there somewhere we can go to talk?" I asked. We all walked into the break room and shut the door. "I know I have a lot to explain. But for now, I just wanted you to meet her. She's yours. Her name is Nadia," I told him. His eyes were glossy and he let out a breath. He looked over at her and he could tell. She was a spitting image of us. "Y/N I am so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking that day. I messed up so badly. You left and no one knew where you went and I couldn't get ahold of you. I'm so sorry you had to see what you saw. I never should have let her kiss me. Please let me make it up to you. I want so badly to be in your guys' life." I stood silently, looking at her then back at him. "I never should've just left. I had just found out I was pregnant and I got scared. I should've let you explain but all I could see when I thought of you was that stupid kiss. I may have overreacted by leaving and not contacting you for years but I had to protect myself. For her sake. I'm sorry about how things went and I wish you and her could get those years back. She deserves to know you and you deserve to know her," I spoke candidly. He grabbed my hands and said, "Let's start fresh. Dating, moving in, all that stuff. It'll be like getting to know each other all over again." I smiled and told him, "I'd love nothing more than that. Baby, I want you to know something." I told Nadia. "This right here, this is your daddy. If you don't know how to feel, that's okay. But he and I want you to know that he loves you very much. Okay?" She looked up at him and blankly starred at him for a few seconds before smiling widely and wrapping her arms around him. He sighed a breath of relief and just squeezed her tightly.

Over the next few months, Jay and I have been catching up and getting reacquainted with each other. Things were steady so we both agreed that we were ready to move back in together. I moved back to Chicago but got a different job working at the academy. We couldn't have both of us on the job. It'd be too dangerous and there was just too much at stake now. Every weekend, we would have dinner with Erin and Kelly and some nights we'd host game night and everyone in the unit would come over. We'd get pizza and beers and just as I predicted, Tonio and Adam would always bring something over for Nadia. Whether it was a toy or candy or something else, they'd never come empty handed. Things just felt right. Everything was falling back into place. If you asked me 5 months ago how I thought my life would turn out, I couldn't have imagined this.

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