You Can Always Count On Me- B. Zvonecek

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requested by @skyandhayesforever

In my world, there's no such thing as a relaxing morning. Working at a firehouse, there's always stuff going on. After getting in to start my shift, almost immediately there were alarm bells. "Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion Chief 25, structure fire, 726 Wabash Avenue." Running our to the apparatus floor, I ran into Otis, my boyfriend of 3 months. Giving him a quick peck, I told him, "Hey be safe out there." He smirked and gave me a wink, "Always." I hopped into the passengers seat of the Ambo while Brett got into the drivers side. We all pulled out of the station to the scene of the fire. "Hey, good morning by the way. I didn't even see you before we got a call," I said to Sylvie. "Yeah I know! Already off to a busy start. How are things with you and Otis?" she asked me with a smirk and a raised brow. "Hmm, they're good. Really good." That was all we had time for before we pulled up to the scene. "Structure fire, fully involved," I heard Casey say. Just then, there was a sound of glass breaking and someone yelling out, "Please help! I'm up here!" Looking up to the second floor, there was a mom and her young boy waiving their hands out of the window. Quickly, the ariel was already extending with Severide climbing up the rungs. I could see him talking to the mother before saying into his radio, "I got one more on the first floor, the husband." In the distance I saw Casey and Otis gearing up to go in for the man. He looked over his shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile and I gave him one back. While Otis and Casey went in, the boy was brought to us so we could evaluate him. "Alright buddy can you tell me if anything hurts?" I asked him. He shook his head no and just said, "It's just a little hard to breathe. Brett grabbed the oxygen mask and put it over the boys head and told him, "Just take some deep breaths for me okay? We're going to take you and your mom to the hospital just to make sure you're okay." He nodded and looked at his mom while she smiled down at him. Everything was going well considering, when all of a sudden, there was an explosion.

"Casey, report!" Boden yelled into his radio. When he didn't answer, I got worried. Boden radioed a second time and still nothing. He was gearing up to go in, when three figures emerged from the smoke. "Buildings all clear chief. Hermann, it's all yours." By that time, the second ambo pulled up and the husband was loaded up into that one along with the mother and son. They rushed off to Chicago Med. while I rushed up to Otis and Brett did Casey. "Come here, let me check you out." He shook his head, "I'm fine y/n." His eyes met mine and he could see that I just wanted to help him so he finally gave in, "Fine." I grabbed his hand and sat him on the back of the ambulance. I did what I do with every patient, checked their eyes, their lungs all that. When I was about to finish, something caught my eye. A burn mark, on his neck. Nothing major but still enough to need ointment and a bandage. "I bet you didn't even notice but there's a burn mark on your neck." He looked confused and went to touch it but I quickly grabbed his arm, "Don't touch it. Just let me clean it up and bandage it." After sterilizing it, I put some ointment on it and taped gauze to it. Once I was finished, I started putting supplies away and I could feel him staring at me. "What?" I asked. "Thank you." He said. I just shot him a cheeky smile. He smiled and said, "I know this may be too soon and it's okay if you don't feel the same way yet but I just wanted to tell you that I love you." My eyes instantly widened. Of course I loved Otis too but I didn't know he's felt the same way. A smile quickly grew on my face and I told him, "I love you too." He seemed almost shocked yet relieved. He pulled me in for a kiss and thanked me again for patching him up. "You can always count on me." Yeah we might've gotten a lecture from Boden about how it was unprofessional to be kissing at a scene in public but you could tell he wasn't too serious about it. It was just a, "Don't do that again." speech. More of a, "I have to give you this talk" talk. We told him we understood and that it would never happen again. My heart was too full to think too deeply about it cause I was in love with Otis, and he was in love with me. What more could a girl ask for?

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