You Scared The Hell Out of Me- K. Severide

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Request made by @ScorchedThomas2922

The sound of the wood crackling was enough to wake me from my slumber. After a very long shift at the hospital, the first thing I did was climb into bed and pass out. Looking at my surroundings, I saw a orange red glow coming from underneath my door. I was immediately more alert than ever. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I quickly dialed 911 and told them about the situation that was unfolding. I pressed the back of my hand to the door to feel how hot the fire was. Deciding that I didn't want to burn alive in my room,
I should at least try to get out of here. I opened the door and soon saw the severity of the fire. Looking around, I saw my best friend standing on the counter. "FISH! Oh my gosh," I yelled. Yes Fish is my cat. I grabbed him and wrapped him in my jacket. Looking at my apartment once more, there was no way out. I ran back into my room and put Fish on my bed. I attempted to open the window but it was jammed. Something I had been bugging the landlord about for weeks. Deciding there was no other option, I formed a fist and sent it flying through the window. Just as I did, I heard and saw the fire department, immediately recognizing my rescuers. I called out to them from the second story, "Kelly! Matt! Guys I'm up here, please help me." He yelled back up at me, "We're coming y/n! Just stay calm!" Boden was handing out orders and the crew was masking up, ready to take on the fire. Once I saw the ariel being raised, I turned back around to grab Fish and was met by heavy smoke in my room. Going deeper into the room, breathing got harder. "Fish please. We have to get out of here. Where are you?" I said, not finding him where I left him. The smoke combined with my Asthma was a disaster. After almost coughing up my lung, I finally found him in my closet. The room was now completely filled with smoke making it impossible to see. That was until I saw the flashlight. "Y/n!" I heard my brother call out. "Kelly i'm right here. I can't breathe," I told him starting to cry. "It's okay, We're getting you out now. C'mon, we gotta go out the window," he said pushing me toward it. Just outside the window, Matt Casey, my brothers best friend was on the ariel waiting for us to come out. Kelly saw that it was hard for me to hold Fish in my non injured hand and climb out. "Here, let me take Fish and you just focus on climbing out," he said. I handed him over and climbed out onto the ariel. Matt carried me down while I was still having an asthma attack. Once we got to the bottom, he carried me over to Brett and Foster where they placed an oxygen mask over my face, making it almost instantly easier to breathe. They wrapped my hand in bandages just as Severide brought Fish to me. "I can't believe you went back for this damn cat," he said to me. On a normal basis, Fish wasn't too fond of Kelly and vice versa. But seeing as my brother saved us, he was very friendly. "We gotta take her to Med. She took in quite a bit of smoke," Sylvie told him. He nodded and told me he'd meet us there once he took Fish back to his place. "Thank you Kelly," I told him, tears still coming from my eyes. Next thing I knew, I was being loaded into the ambulance and on my way to the hospital.

As I waited in the E.D., I started thinking about everything that had just occurred. My whole life was in that apartment and now it's all gone. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my coworker and closest friend Connor Rhodes came in to stitch up my hand and put a cast on. Yes, when I punched through that window, I broke a few bones in my hand. "I'm gonna numb your hand now so you'll just feel a pinch and some pressure," he told me. I gave him a small smile letting him know I'd be okay. As he inserted the needle, I winced and squeezed my eyes shut. "I know but that's the worst of it," he told me as he was getting the sutures ready. "Connor I think you're forgetting that I do this to patients daily," I told him. He just chuckled and continued what he was doing. Just then there was a small knock and in walked my brother. "Hey Kell," I smiled at him. I could tell he was concerned just by the look on his face. "Alright y/n i'm all done here. I'll come back in a bit for your cast," Connor said before getting up. "Thanks Connor," I said before he left. "Kelly. Dude look at me. I'm fine okay. It's just a couple stitches and a few broken bones," I told my big brother. "You don't get it. You're all that I've got okay? You scared the hell out of me, kid," he said candidly, tears threatening to spill. I got out of my bed and gave him a hug. "I love you Kelly. I'm not going anywhere okay?" I reassured him. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed so hard I thought he was going to trigger another asthma attack. "I love you too. And you're staying with me okay? I don't want any arguments it's a done deal," he said placing a kiss on my head. Knowing I wouldn't win the argument, I agreed, "Okay fine. You and Fish are going to have to learn to coexist," I said chuckling. He smiled and nodded knowing that after this, him and Fish would get along just fine.

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