Best of Friends- E. Lindsay

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Inseparable. Literally the only word that described yours and your best friends relationship. You guys did everything together. That was until recently. Erin was always working and spending all her time with Jay so of course, you were jealous. On the weekends Erin had off, you would do fun things together like road trips to nowhere, go to the beach (in the summer), or go do something in the snow (in winter). You felt left out and replaced because the things you two did together, she started doing with Jay. You had finally had enough so you decided to confront her about it. But with your luck, it was the wrong night to do that. You knocked hard on her door and waited for her to open it. When she did, her eyes were puffy and red like she had been crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" you ask as you push her into the apartment and shut the door. "Jay and I broke up," she says as she sobs into your shoulder. You guide her to the couch and sit her down. "Why? What happened?" you ask with a soothing voice. "I told him that I wanted to do something with you this weekend and he totally flipped out and lately, tension has been at an all time high for reasons I'm not even sure of so everything just kinda crumbled," she said as tears threatened to fall. All you did was hug her and say, "why didn't you call me?" "Because I haven't been a very good friend lately and I didn't want to burden you." You just look at her and say, "Oh shut up, you know that you have never been a burden and you never will be. You're my best friend and I love you with all my heart. I'm always gonna be here for you." You both smile at each other and with that, you grab some ice cream and any other sweets you can find and decide to have a movie night. You put in the movie Finding Nemo and curled up on the couch with your best friend. Of course you felt absolutely horrible about the breakup but hopefully things will go back to the way they were.

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