House Imagine pt.1

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Last year, your parents had died in a car crash so your sister, the one and only, Leslie Shay, took the responsibility of looking after you. Of course she didn't do it alone, I mean with the help of your Aunt Gabbi, you managed to get good grades, make the volleyball team and she even got you a puppy. You started your homework as you waited for your sister to get home so you could both go buy some food for the dog. You waited and waited and waited. (AN// it is killed me to write this.) Suddenly after waiting for a good 2 hours, your Aunt Gabbi and Uncle Matt barge through the door with mixed expressions on their faces. Sad, upset, angry. Not long after them, your Uncle Kelly came in an consumed you into a giant hug. "Uncle Kelly! Can't. Breath." you said gasping for air. He stepped back picked you up from the chair, sat in your place, and put you on his lap to face your aunt and other uncle. "Guys, what's going on?" you asked. "Where's my sister? Is she ok?" No one answered your questions and that's when you really started getting worried. "Aunt Gabbi? Uncle Matt? What's going on! Why won't anyone answer me? WHERE'S LESLIE?" you said finally starting to break down. You had already known. You knew. She was gone. The job took her. First your parents and now your sister. Gone. Out of your life. You were never going to see them again. "I'm sorry Y/N. We did everything we could," said your Uncle Kelly. You started thrashing, kicking and screaming, trying to get out of your uncle's grip. But he just held onto you tightly. Shushing you, trying to calm you down. "I'm so so so sorry Y/N," your aunt said finally speaking up. Just then, the rest of the house came into the house to see you in tears with makeup streaming down your face. After finally calming down a little, you managed to speak. "What happened?" Everyone's head dropped. "Someone please tell me." Your eyes full of sadness and disappointment.

(AN: this is only part 1 so part two will be posted shortly. Don't forget to follow me on social media.
Twitter: flowercrownbush
Instagram: flowercrownbush
I love you all so much and you're all beautiful! Don't you ever forget that! Xoxo-Marissa💕)

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