It's gonna be okay -M. Casey

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Warning: talk about abuse so please don't read if you're sensitive about this topic! I'm always here if anyone needs to talk to vent!

Everything stared off amazing. Before him, you had the worst luck in love. You couldn't believe you had met such an amazing guy who cared about you more than anything in the whole world. Key word, cared. That all ended when one day, something just snapped. Justin and you were going out to dinner with your best friends, Erin and Jamison (Jamie for short). Erin and Jamie have been your best friend since high school and through out college. Anyways, the four of you were enjoying dinner and that's when Jamie asked, "So how's the job been treating you, Y/N?" You had recently gotten at the local Vet clinic which was one step of the many you had to take, to eventually start your own practice. "It's been great. Sad, but great," you replied with a sad smile. Jamie's a cop who's been on the beat for 5 years and you honestly never knew why he didn't want to become a detective, he obviously has the skill and smarts to do it. While you and Jamie talked you noticed that Justin and Erin were engaged in their own conversation talking about politics and the government, in which you had no interest at all. After dinner, you all said your good byes and at that moment, everything went wrong. You hugged Erin goodbye and when you hugged Jamie, Justin thought it was anything but just a friendly goodbye hug. Justin gripped your wrist and pulled you to the car. The whole ride home, was uncomfortably silent and tense. Once you entered the apartment you shared, Justin started yelling, "What the hell was that? Is there something you want to tell me?" Oblivious to what he meant, i asked, "What do you mean?" He shoved me up against the wall and said, "You know what I mean! You and Jamie obliviously have a thing going on behind mine and Erin's backs!" "Justin, that's insane! Why would you even say something like that? Jamie and I are just friends! We've known each other since the 5th grade and I would never do that to you, or Erin!" Still unconvinced, he began pacing back and forth. "I don't want you to talk to him ever again. Got that?" he asked. "No I don't 'got that', Justin. Jamie is my best friend and that's it. I don't know what else you want me to tell you." BAM! He shoved you down to the floor causing you to hit your head on the hardwood. "Justin what the hell?" He got on top of you and started beating you. Over and over and over again until everything went black.

hi everyone!! ik is it's been a long time since i posted! There is a part 2 to this and it's already completed but i'm not going to publish it until maybe later tonight or possibly tomorrow! i hope you enjoyed though?

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