Is.. Is That My Hoodie? - Sevasey

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request made by @Brisusiskeyy

The following weeks after Dawson's departure were hard on everyone but especially hard on the man she left behind. Casey was never one to share his feelings and that was certainly the case here. After Gabby left, he moved in with Severide, cause let's face it, rent is not cheap. Severide never really saw too much of his friend at home because he'd either stay in his room or he'd be out all hours of the night trying to make the pain hurt less. After Casey came stumbling into the shared loft one night, Severide knew this couldn't keep going on. "Hey, you good?" he asked the blonde. "I'm fine," he grumbled back going to the fridge to get another beer. He opened the beverage and sat on the shared sofa to watch the remainder of the Blackhawks game. While Casey was spacing out, Severide couldn't help but transfix on the broken man in front of him. He'd known him for years, seen him run into fires and he knows he's had his fair share of tragedies, but nothing that had ever made him this off. "I know I'm probably the last person you'd think to get help from but if you ever wanna talk or maybe get your mind off of this, I'm your guy," Sev told him. With that, Casey nodded and said, "Thanks," before he got up and headed to his room.

It was just one of those shift where everyone felt like they needed a drink to lift their spirits. Of course Molly's was the bar of preference but Matt didn't want his people to see him like this. "Hey, you going to Molly's tonight?" Severide asked, jogging up from behind him. "I was thinking about it but I don't think i'm going to," he replied to him. "C'mon man, you need us more than you think right now. Just one drink and then we can go home." The blonde contemplated for a few seconds before agreeing, "Fine, i'll go."

After way more than one drink and many, many shots later, Casey was wasted. He was never an obnoxious drunk but his coworkers had never seen him like this. After trying to order another drink, Herrmann decided it was better if he didn't. He glanced over Casey's shoulders to Severide nodding. Severide came from behind Casey and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I think we should go home now." Casey nodded, knowing he was right. He let go of the bar and nearly fell on his ass but Sev was there to keep him up. In one swift motion, he had Casey's arm slung over his shoulder leading him out of the bar and into his car. During the ride home, Casey stared out the window, probably contemplating where everything had gone wrong. Once they arrived to their building, Severide helped his friend out of the car only it was harder than before seeing as Casey was now very sleepy. Once inside their shared loft, Casey did something he'd been thinking about for a long time. He gripped the sides of Severides leather jacket and pulled him in for a kiss. After a few seconds, Severide pulled away in complete shock. Of course he had these feelings for a while but his worst fear was that they weren't reciprocated. Casey had shock and hurt written all over his face. "Not like this Matt. You're drunk and I like the think i'm a good guy. I think we should both get some sleep," the blue eyed brunette said. Casey nodded, realizing he was right before padding off down the hall into his room. Before falling asleep that night, their last thoughts were each other.

Waking up to a pounding headache, it took Casey a minute to remember the events from the pervious night. Before facing the music, he jumped in the shower to wash away the night before. After getting out of the shower, he walked into the living room/kitchen area to find his roommate already awake and drinking coffee and reading the paper at the counter. As you can imagine, things were quite awkward. Not knowing what to say, Casey just poured himself a cup of coffee and sat across from Severide. "Morning," Kelly spike first. "Morning," Matt replied. Getting nervous, Matt just looked down at his coffee while Kelly went back to his paper. "Listen Severide-" Casey began. "Matt you don't have to explain. You were drunk and-" he interrupted before he himself was interrupted. "Yes I was drunk but I don't regret my actions. I might've gone about it the wrong way but I.. I thought about it for a while. I told myself to suppress my feelings cause I thought it was too soon and I didn't think you'd feel the same way about me," Casey spoke candidly. It took Kelly a few seconds to process this new information but he knew just the thing to say to put the blondes mind at ease. "Matt you don't have to worry about me feeling the same way, cause I do. You were with Dawson and even after, you were just really vulnerable and I thought it'd be inappropriate to tell you," with him saying that, he could practically see the relief come across his best friends face. After breaking the ice, the two men had multiple very lengthy conversations about what this meant for them and what would happen going forward. The day turned to night and talking turned into making out which then lead to them in Severides bed. Nothing of THAT nature happened but the did spend the night in each other's embrace, both of them thinking about their future with one another before sleep consumed them.

The next morning, Severide woke up to an empty bed. He recounted the events that happened just like he had the night before. Wondering where his sleeping buddy had disappeared too, he climbed out of bed into the living room to see him walking in the door with bags in his hand. "I went to get breakfast from that diner around the corner. I didn't want to wake you," Casey told him smiling. Severide smiled at him before noticing what he was dressed in. "Is...Is that my hoodie?" he asked smirking. Casey looked down, looking nervous before responding, "Yes?" He motioned to take it off but Severide grabbed his arms and told him, "No keep it on, it looks good on you," before pulling him in for a kiss.

A/N: soo i've never written anything like this before but it was a request so i thought i'd give it a shot. also please don't come at me w that hate cause i support everyone! thank you for coming to my ted talk.

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