Patrol Partners- K. Atwater

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The day started off just like any other. Platt bickered, we listened, she bickered some more. We silently cheered when we were called up to work a case with Voight and the team. "Hey Sarge. What's up?" i asked. "We're looking for a suspect. Name is Lance Smith. This is his last known address. I want you guys to scoop him up and bring him in for questioning. Can you do that?" Kevin replied "Yeah, no problem. We'll be back." We headed out to our assigned patrol car and proceeded to the last knows address of the suspect. Once we arrived, we got out of the car and walked up to the run down apartment complex. Walking up two flights of stairs, we were about to knock on the door when the suspect bolted out causing a chase. "Police! Freeze!" I yelled. When the man didn't stop, I ran even harder. About to turn a corner, I yelled to Atwater, "Kev, go around the back and block him off." He then proceeded to run in the opposite direction of me to try and cut the perp off. I pulled my gun from the holster and made sure I was clear before running into the alley. When I didn't see the perp, I radioed to Atwater that I didn't have eyes. That was when I was tackled by, you guessed it, Lance Smith. In an attempt to pin me down, he landed two strong blows. One to my face causing an immediate red cheek and one to my ribs. We wrestled on the ground for a few more seconds until I heard a gun cock. "Lance Smith. Chicago P.D. You better get up off of her right now or I swear to God i'll blow you away." Smith looked at Atwater for a few seconds but then eventually got off of me. After the perp was cuffed, Atwater came to help me up and make sure I was okay. While examining my eye he said, "Yeah that's gonna be a nasty one." I just smirked and playfully punched him in the arm. We took Smith back to the car and threw him in the back before driving back to the district. Once we arrived, we took him upstairs so Intelligence could do whatever it is they do with these scum bags. "Wow, y/n are you good? You've got a pretty good shiner there." Jay asked me. "Yeah I'm good. Thanks to my partner." I smiled. (okay ya know that little fist bump thing burgess and atwater do? imagine they just did that).

*later at Mollys*

"Hey I meant what I said earlier." I told Kevin. He looked at me confused and asked, "Whatchu mean?" "Earlier, at the district. You saved my life. Who knows what could've happened if you had shown up even 5 seconds later." He smiled and responded, "Hey, that's exactly what partners are for. We gotta watch each other's back. Always." And to that, we clinked our beers and went on to have a very fun and very drunk night.

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