Couldn't Have Imagined This- J. Halstead

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requested by @corebore123

Jay and I have been dating for about 2 years and everything has been pretty close to perfect. Working together has caused some trouble at home but being the professionals we are, we don't bring work trouble home and vice versa. Ever since Erin left, I've been the only girl in the unit, that is, until Hailey Upton came along. We hit it off pretty well, she was crazy nice and so gorgeous it made me want to barf. Since we're dating, Jay and I aren't allowed to be partners so he was paired with the new girl and I rode with Ruzek. "Hey good morning y/n!" Ruzek said to me. "Morning," I smiled back. "Voight wants us to follow up on something for this case. We'd better get going," he told me. "Okay sounds good. I need to grab my coat from the car so i'll meet you outside," I said before grabbing my keys and holstering my gun. We drove to the address of a witness and just needed to ask some follow up questions to make sure everything was accurate. As we finished, Ruzek and I heard over the radio that there were shots fired near by. We sped over to the scene and as soon as we got there, the bullets were coming faster than we could process it. We jumped out of the car, and took cover. Asking the first on scene, "What's going on here?" "Chased the suspect through the alley and he ran into this abandoned store. No ones in there with him but he's putting up a fight." they told us. "Alright I'm gonna see if I can talk him out," I told Adam. He nodded and said, "Alright do your thing." When it came to negotiations, everyone in the unit relied on me to do it cause i've had a better success rate than the rest. After an hour, I was finally able to convince the man to come out. I let out a big sigh, feeling a little more tired than normal. "Wanna stop for coffee?" my partner asked. "Please. I feel dead right now," I replied. He smirked and started the car, heading to our favorite coffee place. As soon as we walked in, the aroma made me instantly want to vomit. I ran to the bathroom and pushed into the stall just in time for me to let out my stomach contents. After throwing up about 3 times, my body decided it was finished making me miserable. I got up and splashed some cold water on my face and swished some in my mouth. I popped in some gum beforeI started wondering what happened. The past few days i've felt sick but this was the first day I threw up. Shit. My periods like 9 days late. Before freaking out, I decided it'd be best to find out for sure. I made a call to Natalie, my best friend who also happens to be a doctor and Chicago Med. I explained to her what was going on and she told me to come by after I was off so she could do some blood work. "Okay, thanks Nat. I'll see you later." I put my phone away and walked back out to my waiting and concerned partner. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah, Jay and I had Thai last night and it did not agree with my stomach," I laughed, trying my best to down play the situation. "Yikes! Been there before. Here, I got you a water and *your fav coffee beverage*," he said handing you your items. "Thank you," I told him. "C'mon we should head back," he said. I nodded following him out.

When we got back to the district, we gave Voight the information we gathered from the witness. After discussing the case in the bullpen, my stomach began feeling uneasy. I got up and went down the hall to the restroom before emptying whatever else was in my stomach, which at this point was nothing. After coming back out, I went into Voights office and told him I needed to go home sick. He nodded and told me, "No problem, I'll call to check in on you later," I smiled nodding. "Okay thanks." I then went to Jay and told him that I was heading home and that I'd be back to pick him up, since we drove here together. "Is everything okay? You look a little pale," he asked with a concerned look on his face. "Yeah. I don't thing dinner agreed with me and now i'm feeling it," I gave him a reassuring smile and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. Before going home, I called Nat and told her I'd be there sooner cause I left work.

Arriving at the hospital, I caught Nat before going in to help a patient. "Hey, where do you want me?" I asked. "Hey! Just head up to the lab, I already have an order in." I nodded and headed to the second floor. As I got closer, I got more nervous. Questions swarming my mind. What if I am? What will Jay say? What about work? I was snapped out of my thoughts when my name was called. I followed the nurse to the back where I sat and she drew some blood. After she was finished, I went back down to the E.D. to meet up with Natalie. She walked up to me and pulled me into the lounge. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Umm better but very nervous. What if I am?" I asked. "If you are then this baby will be surrounded by people who love it. Hey, it's all going to work our either way." I took a deep breath and told her, "Yeah, you're right. It's just Jay and I haven't really talked about it. What if he isn't ready for this?" "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We just have to wait to find out what the blood work says." Realizing she was right, I calmed down slightly. "How long until we know?" I asked. "Well, I put a rush on it so maybe within the next 20 mins. Feel free to hangout in here and I'll come back when I have the results." "Okay. Thanks Nat," I told her. She gave me a hug before going back out into the E.D. "Nat!" I shouted. She turned around and I said, "Don't tell Will I'm here. He'll call Jay." She nodded before closing the door. The next 20 minutes ticked by excruciatingly slow.

"Hey, I've got the results back," Natalie said walking into the room. I stood up, and she grabbed my hand. "You're pregnant," she smiled at me. I let out a breath a didn't know I was holding. I put a hand over my mouth in disbelief. Of course I was excited and thrilled but nervous and scared at the same time. "Everything's going to be okay y/n," Nat told me. "Yeah I know. I just can't believe this is actually happening," I smiled. Out of pure happiness, I started crying and hugged my best friend. I was having a baby with Jay. The man of my dreams and now the father of my child. Still bubbling with excitement, I headed back to the district. Telling my boss was something important considering I can no longer run into dangerous situation. I pulled up and parked the car. I walked up the back stairs and into Voight's office. The bullpen was empty probably due to everyone doing their tasks. I knocked before entering. "Hey I thought you went home for the day?" "Yeah about that. I need to ride the desk from now on. It's one thing to commit to my craft, it's another to make my fetus commit to my craft." His eyes widened and I nodded. "I'm pregnant," I said letting out a laugh. "Wow. Congratulations y/n! Jay must be over the moon," he said. "Hoping that's his reaction. I was going to tell him tonight." "Hey if he's anything less than thrilled I will personally kick his ass. C'mere," he said pulling me into a hug. "Don't worry about anything. I'll get it all sorted out," he said. "Thanks Hank," I said pulling out of the hug. "I'll see you tomorrow," I told him. I left his office, noticing that no one was back yet. I went back the way I came, the back stairs but when I opened the door, I heard two voices in the stairwell. One belonging to Jay, the other to Hailey. I walked down, assuming they were finished discussing what they were talking about cause it was quiet. You can imagine my surprise when I found the two, kissing right in front of my eyes. I quickly put my hand over my mouth. I couldn't believe this was happening. I went back up the stairs and out the other way. I ran to the car and sped home. I quickly packed my bags and left to Springfield where my sister Erin's lives. Before leaving, I placed a note on the counter for Jay. I saw what you did with Hailey. Goodbye Jay.

Arriving at my sisters house, I quickly ran up to the door and knocked. Opening the door, I see a smiling Kelly Severide. "Hey y/n! I didn't know you were coming," he said pulling me into a hug. "Yeah neither does Erin," I said with a sad smile. "Erin! Your sister's here," he yelled up the stairs. "Come in," he said to me opening the door wider. Erin came down the stairs, "Hey what a nice surprise! What brings you out here?" she asked as she pulled me into a hug. Before I could get a word out I just broke down. She just squeezed me tighter. She gave Kelly a concerned look before pulling away from the hug. "What's going on babe? Talk to me," she said as she pulled me to the couch. "I'm pregnant. I went to tell Jay at the district and I saw him kissing his partner," I said sobbing. My sister hugged me again and rubbed my arm. Kelly sat there in disbelief before grabbing my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, you've got all the support you need right here. I know it hurts right now but we've got your back no matter what," my sister told me. "Yeah and I can go down there and kick his ass if you want me to," Kelly said, attempt and successfully lightening the situation. "Thanks you guys. I love you both," I said before being sandwiched between them. "Erin if it wasn't obvious, I need a place to stay so I was wondering-," I was saying before she cut me off. "Hey, you know you always have a place under this roof," she said. "Thank you," I told her. I went to my car and got the rest of my bags with the help of Kelly and Erin. I took them up to the guest room and decided to call it a night. If you asked me this morning how I thought the day would go, I could've never imagined this.

Part 2 coming soon!

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