Hard Headed Halstead- Halsetad Bros

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Winters in Chicago are the absolute worst. They don't call it the Windy City for nothing. With thoughts swarming in my head, I was quickly snapped out of my trance when I heard my name being called. "Sam, I'm heading to work. Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off anywhere?" my big brother Jay asked me. I simply replied back, "No, I just wanna be alone right now." My brother just simply nodded and said, "Okay. Well call me if you need anything okay? Will's working late tonight so text me what you want for dinner and I'll pick it up on the way home." I just nodded okay and said, "Okay. Be safe. I love you." He smiled and replied, "Yeah, love you too! See you tonight." And with that I was left alone. Just me, my thoughts, and my cat, Mochi. I had recently moved in with Jay due to my father's passing. It's been hard especially since my brothers aren't around too much to talk to. Sometimes when my thoughts are too much for me, I write in a journal. It just helps get my feelings out so they don't stay bottled up inside me. Deciding to get some air, I grabbed my journal, ear buds, phone and pen and headed to the fire escape right outside my bedroom window. Not wanting my room to get cold, I shut my window. As I brushed off the cushion on the floor, I scrolled through my phone to pick a playlist to listen to. I quickly texted Jay, saying, "Can you just pick up a pizza on the way home?" To which he replied a minute later with a thumbs up. I picked my favorite playlist which was something that allowed me to focus, but a resemblance of what I was feeling. I sat on the fire escape for about an hour listening to my music when my phone reached 5%. I decided to reach into my room and plug my phone in. Wanting to write for a little while longer, I shut my window and decided the silence would be enough for me to concentrate. After what seemed like only a few moments, there was loss of natural light and snow suddenly started falling. I took that as my cue to head inside. I pulled up on my window but it wouldn't budge. Shit. I tried so hard to pull up on the window but it wouldn't give even a quarter of an inch. God Jay wasn't going to be home for another few hours. I guess i'll have to climb down the fire escape. I tried to push the ladder down to the ground seeing as I was on the third floor but that wouldn't move either. Looking at the hinge, there was ice around it. "Ugh, it's frozen," I groaned. Going back to the window but it became harder as I was loosing the feeling in my fingers. After sitting and wondering what the hell I should do, I got the most ridiculous idea. Just punch the window. It won't hurt cause I have no feeling in my hand. When the snow started coming down harder and the wind started picking up, I thought it'd be best not to wait. I took a few seconds to mentally prepare myself. Before I knew what was happening, my fist came in contact with the window and it shattered. I climbed through the window, trying not to get cut on any glass but I don't think it would matter if I did since my hand was now gushing blood. "Fuck. This is a huge mess," I mumbled. "Umm, what the hell is going on here Sam?" I turned around to meet my brothers concerned eyes.

"Jay! What are you doing home? I thought you had another few hours." I asked. "Voight sent us home early so we wouldn't get snowed in at the district. What the hell happened to your hand?" I quickly looked down at you hand to see the blood now dripping down onto my bedroom floor. "Uhmm funny story actually. I got locked outside so I punched the window cause my hands went numb," I quickly rambled. "Alright well I need to take you to the E.D. so grab your jacket." I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "No Jay! Really, I'm fine. I just need to wash up and it'll be okay." He looked at me in disbelief. "Samantha Halstead are you insane?Your hand looks like it went through a meat grinder. Your hand could be broken and you could have frostbite. This is not up for debate." I rolled my eyes and said, "I'm not going Jay. There's no need." I walked into the bathroom to get cleaned up and in the reflection of the mirror, Jay was looking at me. "Okay well i'm calling Will then, you need more than peroxide and a bandaid." I went to argue but he sternly said, "Don't argue about this with me. I'm calling Will." Sighing in defeat, I nodded agreeing. I heard him on the phone, "Hey. I need you to come home right now. It's Sam, she punched a window and might have a broken hand but she refuses to go to the E.D. Yeah. Okay I'll see you soon. Bye." He put the phone down and came back to the bathroom to help me clean my hand. "Hey, Will said to put your hands in warm water so they can start warming up." I nodded asking, "Can you get the bucket from under the sink?" "Yeah," he said, bending down to get the bucket to fill with water. Once the bucket was full, I placed both my hands in. "Does it hurt?" he asked. "I can't really tell. I can't feel my hands," I giggled, trying to make light of the situation. He chuckled before asking for the whole story. I explained everything that happened from the phone, to the window, to the ladder and lastly the fist flying through the window. "Wait, you have a journal? What about?" I sighed realizing what I'd let slip. I looked down at my hands. "Sometimes my feelings become too much that I have to write them down. Just feelings about dad and having to move." He nodded, understanding what I meant. "Why don't you talk to me? Or Will? You know we love you Squirt." I smiled at the life long nick name. "Yeah I know that. I also know that you guys are still going through your own emotions and I just didn't want to add to them." He smirked, "That's my sister, always thinking of others first." We were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. "Sam!? Where are you guys?" "In the bathroom!" Jay yelled. Will came into the bathroom, looking down at my hands sitting in the water. "Sam, what the hell?" "Yeah, I know, I know. If it makes you feel better I didn't feel anything." I joked lighting the mood. "Okay well let me take a look," Will said, pulling your hand out of the water. "Can you feel anything now?" he asked. "Yeah, it feels like it's throbbing." "Okay well it's good you have feeling back in your hands but this hand looks pretty bad. I don't see anything that needs stitches but your hand is probably broken. I won't know until I get an X-Ray. I don't care how much you argue but we're going to the E.D. tomorrow to do that. We need to know." I nodded, realizing it'd be better in the long run. For now, he just wrapped it up and his prescription was movie night with loads of ice, candy, popcorn and pizza. Let's not forget the aspirin and loads of love. About an hour into the first movie, I started dozing off but not before whispering to my brothers, "I love you guys. So much." The last things I heard before falling asleep were, "We love you too Squirt."

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