Another Boring Day..

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"Y/N, it's time to wake up!" You woke up by Sunday shaking you, "Are we here?" You said ruling you're eyes "Yes! Me n you're father had already put everything inside.....exept for you're things, I tryed to put em away, but you're father.....kinda got mad" she said while covering her left eye,

"Sunday? What did he do to you?" You said concerned "oh no! I'm fine love, I just fell, nothing more" she said with a smile on her face

She then sighed and left you to put you're stuff away, you got out of you're seat putting you're headphones away then you went to the back to grab you're stuff

when you saw a strange kid coming up to you, you watched as the figure got closer and closer,

The kid looked you're age, he stoped infront of you and said "my mom wanted me to come and talk to you, since you're new here..uh" the boy said "oh, uh, the names Pico, what's yours?" He said sticking his hand out to you"Oh, my names Y/N" you said shaking his hand,

"cool name" he said "thanks" you said smiling "yeah no prob, say, why don't hang out later" He said,

'Man, I dont really have time for that maybe later' you said in you're head, "Oh sorry, I gotta get to setting up my room, but maybe later!" you said smiling "aww man, oh well cya" the boy said, saluting to you, he then walked back to his house,

'What a strange boy' you said

You then started bringing boxes into the house, where No one was found, you yelled for dad but no response, you walked up stairs and found a large empty room "this must be my room then" you said putting you're stuff down,

                      (Time skip)

You then finished setting up you're room to you're likings, you looked around to see what progress you've made,

You walked down the Stairs still seeing no one, you then relized that Sunday and dad might have gone out to eat.

"This is the tenth time this has happened to me, what the hell"

You then just went back up stairs, not eating anything, you don't really care if you eat or not, you just want to rest,

You then went to bed going to sleep. Getting ready for you new day of school tomorrow,

'I don't really want to go anywhere tomorrow, Oh well maybe I can see that Pico boy'

You finally fell asleep


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