Just a normal Tuesday

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You walked to you're guy's lockers, and started putting jackets and all that inside of them

"Hey Y/N!" You heard someone say from  behind you "yeah?" You said turning around, you saw it was Darnell "do you think we all could hangout at you're place after school?"

He said scratching the back of his head "sure!" You said
"Wait really?!" You heard Nene day "yeah sure, im sure my parents won't  mind" you said with a smile

"Oh yeah!" You heard Pico say

You guys then went to you're first class together, you walked to you're seat, and started talking to Darnell

You and him saw Cyclops and Alucard walk in the room, You saw Cyclops sit down in Cassandras seat talking to Alucard

You looked back to Darnell when you felt a tap on you're shoulder, you turned around to see Cyclops "hey, listen, I'm sorry about earlier k?..." he said looking away "wha-" you saw Cassandra was standing right by him

'Oh she's making him say this, how did she know though?' You thought "Now get out of my spot dick head" Cassandra said you heard Alucard laugh

"Ok class may I get you're attention?" You heard the teacher say

           (Time skip bc I'm lazy)
You heard the bell ring and it was time to meet you're friends, "Hey, Y/N?" You heard from behind you, you turned around to see Cassandra "oh hey Cassandra!" You said walking up to her

"Hey, I sorry about Cy, he's just really protective of his friends.." she said walking with you "Oh, I get it, it's fine" you said

"So, I heard you're gonna hangout with you're friends at youre house.." she said "Oh yeah, you can come with us too!!" You said

" you see....when I was in elementary, I kinda used to bully Pico and Nene.." she said walking out side with you

"Oh.." you said 'but she's changed right?' You said "Well, I better get home. Cya!" She said running away

"Cya.." you said slowly "Hey Y/N!!" You heard Nene yell, she ran up to you and said "let's get going, Pico and Darnell are already walking to you're  Neighborhood!" She said grabbing you're hand

She lead you too you're friends and you all started walking home "so, have you guys found anyone you'd want to go to the dance with?" You heard Pico say

"Dance, there's a dance?" You said confused "Yeah, everyone's talking about it!" Darnell said "you'll be going right?" You heard Pico say, blushing a bit "Hell yeah!" You said

"OHH, I CANT WAIT, ITS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!" You heard Nene yell, you guys laughed a bit "I hope we all can find someone to go with!" Darnell said

"Yeah!" you said

A/N: HEY GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THW SUPPORT. If you all would like to follow me on some other platform, I have tik tok! It's
I have a good time reading ;)

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