what's wrong

539 8 13

You woke up in your couch after you heard stumbling in the other room

"Oh for gods sake" you said getting up and going into the kitchen, only to find Cyclops there, Scavenging for food

"Oh Y/N!" He said jumping, and hurrying to close the fridge

"Nice to see you....on a Tuesday!" He said

You looked at him in a 'really?' look

"Ugh fine I'm sorry, but can I please get some food, I'm fucking starving." He said

You nodded your head telling him he could grab some food

after that you two walked to the bus stop togeather,

'i think he's starting to like me' you said in your mind, paying no attention to the surroundings around you

"Y/N....Y/N!" You looked up to see Cyclops waving his hands Infront of you

"Damn, are you good?" He asked

"Oh yeah im fine, just thinking.."

"About what" he asked again


"Comeon it's a simple question" he said

"I was just thinking about how we first met, you know? You didn't really like me , but here we are now" you said, walking up to the bus stop

Cyclops looked at you and said

"I'm only doing it for Cas" he said

You closed your mouth, and swallowed the lump in your throat, as you felt you were about to cry, you don't know why you felt like this, you never really cared for Cyclops, but you could feel a not form in your stomach and the lump on your throat grow

"Well, the bus is here" he said

"Oh.. yeah" you said trying your hardest not to spill a tear

You guys walked in the bus, and of course kids were screaming and throwing things, you guys walked to the back of the bus and sat in the back,

"Hey Cy, why did you go to this bus stop?" Alucard said

"Because I already told you.." Cyclops said in a quiet tone

You guys sat down, you sat acrossed from Cyclops and Alucard, you didn't feel like you were gonna cry, but it still hurt, you thought that you and him were friends...but why would he want to have a sleepover with me?

I thought to my self for a while, confused and wondering why, Cassandra wouldn't want to have him have a sleepover with me, I mean..

"What about you?" Alucard said to me

"What? Sorry I wasn't listening" I said

"Oh, well Cyclops asked if you were-" Cyclops covered Alucards mouth


He let go and turned back around to face the bus window

Alucard instantly shut up and stoped talking

The rest of the bus ride was quite and peaceful, I liked it, it was a nice change

We made it to school, we walked together to the skate park near by, but silently, not even Alucard was talking

We sat down on the edge of the ring watching the other skaters skate, I looked at Alucard who was sitting next to me, and whispered

"What was Cyclops gonna tell me" I asked

"I'll tell you later, I'll skip class and you ask to use the bathroom"

"But won't Cyclops wanna come with you to skip?" I whispered back

"Nah, when he's like this he just wants to be left alone" he said

                             Time skip SJLAJIA

We walked to class together but still in silence

"It is uh kinda starting to get cold" Cyclops said out of no where

"Yeah.." I said

"Well, I'm going to uh go to the bathroom, because " the rest of the things Alucard said we're just mumbles

"Yeah yeah alright" Cyclops said

Now it was just me and Cyclops, we walked in an awkward silence,

We made it to class, and sat down in our seats, the teacher greeting every single one of us

After a while if being in class I decided to go to Alucard

I raised my hand

"Yes Y/n?"

"May I use the restroom?"

"Is it an emergency?"

"Yes I'm about to explode lady" (ik that was unnecessary 💀)

"Oh, then go go!" The teacher excused me out of class

I then went to the bathroom the was the closest to the classroom seeing Alucard stand right in front of it

"Ok, so what did Cyclops say?"

"Oh right on the bus." He said, he pulled out a cigarette and a lighter out of his front pocket

He lit it up and put the cigarette in his mouth, breathing in, before quickly puffing it out

"He said if you and Cassy were dating" he said breathing in another puff of his cigarette

"Well I mean, I guess, I don't really know, she hasn't really said were dating" (if she has the just pretend because I don't wanna go and find it 😭)

"Hmm, well, you wanna know something?" He said

I nodded my head

"Well, let's just say your the talk of the school"

"What does that mean?" I asked

"Well, I'm meaning that, you're PRETTY popular, and pretty, and cool, and pretty, wait did I say that already"

I stood there in shock, taking it all in

"So, you're saying that Cyclops likes me?"

"Yep" Alucard said, crossing his arms

"What are you guys doing out of class?!" you turned around to see Hanzo

"Nothin bud" Alucard said

"... alrighty then" he said walking off to the boys bathroom


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