end of day one

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After four long ass classes it was finally time for lunch, you And you're little group, went over to the lunch room

You all sat at one of The empty tables you all ate except for Pico, he said the lunch here makes him sick to his stomach,

"So what classes do you guys have after this?" Darnell said "I have Art!" Pico Said "ME TOO!" Nene yelled excitedly "I have this sewing shit" Darnell cried

Suddenly you guys saw a crowd of people surrounding too people, you and you're group went to take a look, and saw

Cassandra beating the living shit out of someone "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" The crowd of kids were screaming "What the hell Is Cassandras problem!?" Pico yelled

"That poor kid!" Nene yelled "Guys I think we should go!" You yelled, you felt lile you were some how connected to all of this, so you wanted to leave a soon as possible

You guys ran outside of the school where most of the "loner" kids went

"What the hell did that poor kid do to make her snap like that!" Nene said "I don't know, but we should stay out of it" Darnell said "yeah.." you said "hey guys this is change of subject, but, can we all meet at the skate park after school!" Darnell said "Sure!" Nene said jumping up and down

"Of course!" Pico Said "Well, if everyone's going I guess I'll go too!" You said back "well see you guys there!"Darnell said as the bell rang

(Time skip because I'm lazy ;) )

The bell rang and everyone started to walk into the hallway, the entire school was filled with so many kids, you
Kept on getting shoved around by many kids

But someone shoved you on purpose, you got shoved into Cassandra...

and it wasn't any type of shove, it was more like a throw, so someone just threw you at her, which made her fall

"HEY, WATCH WHERE YOURE GOING DUMBASS" She yelled "sorry! It wasn't me!" You yelled back, you turned around to see Cyclops and Alucard staning there Laughing


You saw Cassandra got up and grabbed you shirt collar, she looked into you're eyes, it felt like she was looking into you're soul,

You stared back at hers, terrified, you didn't want to end up like that kid at lunch

"I'll let you go this time.." she said
You felt a huge relief, she let go of you and went to her 'buddys'

You stood there prossesing what had just happened

You then felt a small tap on you're shoulder "OH MY GOSH Y/N, ARE YOU OK, DID SHE HURT YOU?!" You turned around and saw it was Nene

"Nene I'm fin-" She cut you off by giving you a huge hug, "I was scared, Cassandra, she's- she's really crazy, even though it's been a day, I already feel like we're best friends, I dont want anything happening to you" Nene said while still hugging you, you smiled softy, "Oh Nene, you're too sweet, you're already my nest friend" you said hugging her back

She looked at you smiling and said "well let's meet Pico and Darnell at the skate park like we promised!" She said grabbing you're hand and leading you out the door

'What a cute girl' you said In you're mind

You guys then went to the boys and just hanged out

A/N: Hey guys! I'm working really hard on this book and, I might have to delete somethings, and redo it, but don't worry this is not the end, I'll try to hurry Aston as possible..right after I sleep, cya :)

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