Thursday morning

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The rest of the day on Wednesday, you could not stop thinking about Cassandra, what she did to you, everytime you thought of her you blushed

You started to walk to the bus stop when you saw Pico "Hey Pico!" You said running to him "Oh Y/N! There you are, I thought you where going to be late again" he said fixing his backpack

You laughed "so, I found something out yesterday" you said "is it about the Cassandra loking me thing?" He said "well, yeah but, she told me she "doesn't like anyone else"" you said "phew, what a relief" he said putting his hand on his chest

"Well, why do you say it like that?" He said, you stood there thinking if you should tell him or not "well, she did something to me yesterday..." you said, the bus pulled up and you and Pico walked in

You saw a bunch of kids like usual, "Its so damn loud in here" you said "Yep" Pico Said, you guys sat down in the spot where you always sit, "looks like Nenes not here today.." Pico Said

"Yeah, speaking of Nene, she said that she might go with someone at the dance Tomorrow" you said "Oh yeah, I've been wanting to tell you something" Pico Said "Yeah?" You said

"I- uhm..I really..uh" you could see his face turn a light pink "can, I get you're phone number..." he said "its just for this group chat we have" he said nervously "oh yeah sure" you said

"HEY Y/N" you heard a familiar voice say, you turned around to see Cyclops and Alucard "What do you want" you said annoyed "we heard what happened with you and Cassandra" Alucard said

You instantly blushed "Huh" Pico Said looking at you "And Cassandra didn't have the guts to ask you, but she said. She wanted you're phone number too" Alucard said "oh" you said grabbing a paper from you're bag

'If it's for Cassandra.' You said you Gave them the paper "Thanks I guess" Cyclops said putting it in his pocket "What, happend?" Pico Said "I don't think the S!mp wants to know" Cyclops said

Pico looked at him whispering stop "Yeah, hey didn't you say you had a crush on Y/N" Alucard said Laughing

You looked at Pico, he was covering his face "well leave the carrot alone for now" Cyclops said sitting back down

"Pico, are you ok?" You asked "I'm sorry" he said still covering his face "hey, it's ok I don't mind" he cut you off by saying "no its not, you obviously like someone else, and I ruined it for you, I know you only thought of me as a friend, and I had to come in and ruin-"

"Pico, you didn't ruin anything for me, and im not mad, I could already tell since day one" you said rubing the back of you're head "o-oh really?" He said looking at the bus floor

"Yeah.." you said, it was silent for the rest of the bus ride, you didn't want to say anything because you didn't want to hurt Pico or say something you'll regret

You guys finally made it to school "hey Pico" you said "how about this, if you want I can hangout with you at the dance Tomorrow" you said "really" he said "yeah, ofcourse" you said "that would be wonderful, ok well I have to go find Darnell" he said walking away "bye!" You yelled

'That was something' you said in you're mind, you started walking while looking at the the other kids run into the building and play around "Hey Y/N, thanks for the phone number" you heard someone say

You saw it was Cassandra

A/N: Hey guys, so this is kinda a cliff hanger, but for the rest of Thursday is pretty normal, you go to youre classes and go home, so the next chapter will be Friday and the dance, I will try writing it tomorrow or later tonight❤

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