Bus talk

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You woke up to the sound of you're alarm

You groaned, you didn't want to go to school today

But you thought of what you and Cassandra would do, thinking that made you so happy and excited. You

Ran to brush you're hair and to get dressed

You ran downstairs to see Sunday crying, "Sunday?" You said slowing down

"O-oh Y/N!" She said wiping her tears "Did he hurt you!?" You said running to her

"No no! I- I just have allergies right now, after all, it is October so.." you hugged her Interrupting her

You felt her tears fall onto you're back "Its ok, I know what he does to you, and im sorry, for being mean to you all these years, if only if I didn't-" she stoped you by gently grabbing you're face

"Oh Y/N, it's not you're fault, it's no one's, and I know that I'm not you're real mom, but I can try to be, I know it must have been stressful, for you when she left, especially since you where 5.."

You looked at her saying "well, I'm still sorry for hurting you, I wish I I take it bac-" you heard you're phone alarm go off

"I have to go to the bus" you said "Yes yes, bye Y/N!" She said waving too you

You ran to the bus with a smile

You saw Nene and Pico getting on "Hey guys!!!" You yelled, you ran on to the bus seeing alot of kids again

You saw Pico and Nene sitting close to the back, as you saw Cyclops and Alucard taking all of the back row seats

"Hey guys, is there room for three?!" You said walking up to the seat "Oh Y/N!" Nene yelled they scooted over so you could it with them

The bus then started moving "so, Y/N.." you heard Pico say "Yeah?" You said confused "did you really hang out with Cassandra yesterday?" He said looking at you

"Yeah, did you? Cyclops said he saw you guys talking" Nene said  "oh well, I kinda did, but she's really cool!" You said

"Hell yeah, and you better not take her away, she's ours" you heard from behind you

You turned around to see Cyclops and Alucard staring at you and you're group (please I need a name for this group)

"Yeah yeah ofcourse" you said nervously

You guys then felt the bus stop, and saw that you're at school

"Cya later princess" Alucard said to you while following Cyclops "oh wow" you heard Pico say

"That was something" Nene said helping you get off the bus "yeah.." you said as you saw Cassandra walking with Cyclops and Alucard

'Didn't she say she wanted to see me again today?' You said in you're head while walking past her and the other Goths

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