Mrs. Know It all

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As I walked home Cyclops came along with me again,

"Today was a long day" Cyclops Sighed

"Yeah" I responded

It felt weird to talk to him now, knowing that he likes me,

We made it to the house and opened the door to see my mom

"Hey ma!" I shouted

As soon as I stepped into the room I knew that right now wasn't the time to play or mess around

I pushed Cyclops out side and said

"Meet me in the back of the house"

"Why?" He said

"Just do it, I'll tell you later" I said

I shut the door and walked to the stairs, seeing my mother and father sitting at the table in silence

I made it to my room and shut the door

"I guess they had a nother fight.." I took off my backpack and opened my window, seeing Cyclops there

"HEY CYCLOPS!" I yelled making him jump


"HAHA, HEY CAN YOU GET THAT LADDER OVER THERE, I NEED IT SO I CAN GET DOWN!" I pointed to the ladder by the shed

I watched him go over there and put it over to my window, I made sure it was sturdy before stepping on to it, and then I climbed down

"Jesus, that took forever" he said

"Well...a little help would have been nice" I said back to him

"You could have just asked" he said shrugging "anyways, I was thinking we could go explore these woods" he said

"Fine, I have nothing else to do" I said

We walked into the woods, there was no word that slipped our lips, just the birds that were tweeting

"Hey I know a spot that we could go to!" I said

I lead him to the spot where that one well was

"'s a well" he said

"Yep!" I responded back

I felt tiny rain drops dripping on to my arms, I looked up at the sky seeing a dark cloud over us

"Oh its raining" I said

"Oh no the world's gonna end!" Cyclops said sarcastically

I looked at him and shook my head(AHAHAHA)

I walked over to a tree that was near by and sat under it watching it pour

"Oh shit, it's really goin at it now" he said, he walked over to sit next to me at the tree,

"You look very pretty today-" I turned my head over to him

"I MENT PRETTY COOL HAHA" He said nervously

"Listen, can I tell you something" I said

He nodded his head

"I..I already know you like me"


"Well, I don't know how to feel?" I said

"What do you mean?"

"I, I don't know....I like Cass but I also kinda like you too...I just" I stoped trying to make sense

He looked at me for a few seconds before grabbing my face gently and turning it towards him

He kissed me very softly, I felt those butterflies again and I slowly closed my eyes, leaning into the kiss more, but this felt wrong, I can't just do this, I pulled away from him

"What's wrong, afraid I'll bite" He said taugnting me

"What?! No never! I'm not afraid of you" I said

"Your not?" 

"No duh, why would I be hanging out with you if I was scared"


Me and him waited until the rain stoped, I decided to walk him home,

After a couple of minutes we made it to his neighborhood

"Thanks for everything cupcake" Cyclops said

"Yeah of course man" I said

I started walking off back to my house, thinking to my self

"I know that wasn't right to do, to kiss him, but..." I snapped out of my thoughts when I got a text from my phone

I grabbed it out of my pocket and opened the messages, It was from Cassandra

"Hey ik I've been gone 4 a WHILE is everything alr ?" She texted

"Yeah everything is all good, wby"


"Man are you ok?"

"Well I just found out that someone was lying to me"

I felt my heart drop


"Yeah, and I found out they were cheating"

I looked up from my phone looking around in a panic

"She can't be talking about me...can she?"

"Really?" I responded

"Y/N, we need to talk"


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