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You woke up in your bed like usual, getting ready for school, when you got another text from Cassandra

"HEY I just found out that I won't be goin to school for the rest of the week :( I hope ur all good w that" she said

You told her it's alright and that you'll make sure the group is all good

Your parents weren't home, again, and so you had the house to your self, after you got ready you went out to the bus stop to see pico again

"Hey!" You yelled, but he didn't answer

"Pico?" You said again

It looked like he was really sad, he was just staring at the ground

You decided to leave him alone and just waited for the bus to come, after a couple minutes the bus pulled up

You walked in first before pico did, you saw that it was just Cyclops at school today, and it looked like Nene wasn't there either

You sat next to Cyclops

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked

"Sitting?" You said back in response

He rolled his eyes and looked back out at the window

You sat there looking at Pico, he really didn't look good, he looked sick and scared

You guys finally got to school, you jumped off the bus with Cyclops, and watched Pico walk away some where

"So, how was your night?" You asked trying to break the silence between you both

"It was fine." He said

You guys sat there in silence one again after his remark

You sighed as you saw you were getting no where with this guy

You grabbed your backpack and started to draw little doodles on the paper

"Whatcha drawing their" he said

"None of your biz" you said

He then grabbed your note book and started to flip through all your drawings, while fighting you at the same time

"Hey give that back!" You said trying to grip the book

"I see you really like Cassy" he said in a mocking tone

He then threw the book back at you laughing at you

"You could have just asked" you said closing the book

"Welp sorry about that bud" he said

The bell finally rug and yu both walked to class together

"is that Y/n?" You heard whispers

"Yeah, I heard she got with that goth kid"

"Pfff really? That's kinda weird"

"I know, but why is she walking with Cyclops?"

"Maybe she's cheating hah"

You ignored them as you both continued to walk into class

"Ok class! Today we are going to grab out our books and just read today! The principal said that you students are always on your... telephones way to much" the teacher just keeped going

You grabbed your book and started to read, you saw a hand push your book to your desk, you looked up to see Cyclops

"Hey cupcake, let's skip" Cyclops said 

Cassandra And The Reader Where stories live. Discover now