You And Cassandra

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You said bye to everyone and walked home

Once you made it home, you heard Sunday, and dad arguing, you decided to head out to the woods at the back of you're house

Just to stay away from everyone for a bit

You walked deeper and deeper into the forest, you relized that it started to rain a little harder, and you also started to smell something

"It smells like someones smoking" you said disgustingly, you followed the smell, you wanted to get that person out of the forests, even though it's raining you

Still don't want a fire to start

You saw someone standing and smoking a cigarette, "Hello?!" You yelled, you saw the person turn around

And you said it was Cassandra "You again?" She said "oh sorry, I didn't k ow it was you, you know what? I'll just go, I won't bother you again" you said slowly walking away

"So, you're the kid who lives in that fancy house?" She said "oh uh, yeah I guess" you said "pfft, so you and you're family own this forest or what?" She said exhaling smoking "well, we kinda own half of it" you said

'I thought Pico Said she was dangerous, she doesn't seem like it' you said in you're mind "So, Y/N, you're the one who messed with Cyclops?" You're heart dropped "oh uh" she cut you off by saying "Heh, it's ok, he's an ass anyways. Hey, do you want to see something cool?" She said putting throwing the burned out cigarette on the ground "well, I guess" you said

"Well follow me then" she said walking even deeper into the woods, you followed behind her 'I wonder what she'll show me!' You said in you're mind

You were left in you're thoughts, while still following closely behind her,

When you bumped into her, she looked at you and said "Hey! Watch where you're walking!" She yelled

"Sorry!" You said "well where here anyways" you saw she started picking up dead leafs and branches "huh?" You said "ugh, just wait" she said annoyed

You saw that there was a well but it was covered with a board

"Oh" you said, you didn't really know what she was trying to show you, but you wanted to be nice "ugh, look, you see this carving" she pointed to a pentagram, carved on it "oh that yeah, what does it do?" Yoy said tilting you're head and looking at her

"Well, I dont really know if you'll belive this, but, awhile ago, there was crazy ghost sightings, and I think this well has something to do with it.." she said

"Cool, theory!" You said, "Well, I dont really see it as a-" you guys heard thunder, it was really loud

"Oh damn" you said "we should probably go" Cassandra said "oh uhm, hey, do you want to hang out tomorrow or.." Cassandra asked while blushing slightly "oh hey, we can hang out at my place right now!" You said

Even though Pico Nene and Darnell said she was dangerous, you still wanted to give her a chance


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