First day of hell Pt.2.

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You, Pico and Nene. All sat down at the very back of the bus, while the Cyclops kid sat a couple rows infront of you guys.

The bus lady yelled to the kids who where out of there seats, "YOU GUYS BETTER SIT YOU'RE ASSES DOWN" The bus lady yelled,

Every kid started to sit down, and the bus soon got quiet, the bus then started to move, you Nene and Pico talked to each other the whole bus ride

You guys finally made it to school, you walked into the school, and chooes lockers together  (the school allows you guys to pick lockers on the first day of school idk)

You guys started putting you're stuff away when you heard someone slam there locker door shut

"DAMN IT" you heard someone yell, you turned you're head to where the noise came from. You saw the girl wore a red sweater and a black corset and she had red hair that was shaped  like...devil horns?

Yo also saw that she was with Cyclops and the brown haired kid

she slammed some other kid into a locker

"Oh Great, it's Cassandra and her group.." Nene said

"Whats wrong with them?" You said to Nene

"her group, is just fucking crazy, we should probably go to class, especially since, you've messed with Cyclops, we don't want to start shit on the first day of school ya know"
Pico Said back

"Oh...alrighty then..." you said back

"So, what classes do yall got?!" You heard someone say from behind Pico. You saw Pico and Nene turn there heads to the voice,

"DARNELL!!" Nene yelled, running to a kid with a purple and yellow sweater,

You also saw Pico run to him As well. "Darnell, it's been forever! Why couldn't you hangout with us all summer?!" Pico yelled

"oh, well I was kinda uh...busy?" Darnell said back to Pico

"mhm, well we missed you alot" Nene said hugging him

"aww you guys" Darnell said hugging Nene back

"Oh hey Darnell, we also made a new friend, there name is Y/N!" Nene said pointing to you,

You stood there waving to Darnell "Oh, hey, how are you?" he said

"im doing great, you?" You said back,  you then heard a loud noise coming from the hallway, you saw it was Cassandra, throwing the kid to the ground and kicked the poor kid

You guys heard the bell ring, and it was time for the first class of the day, luckily you all were in the same class, so you all walked to the same class, but it looked like the Cassandra and Cyclops were in the same class room too

You all walked into the class room, "Hello class!" The teacher greeted you all with little candies, but they where those nasty candies you would get from parades,

Alot of the students just put them in there backpacks or just threw them away,

"Hello class! My names Mrs. Swen, and I will be you're first period teacher!" She said happily

"So, everyone I will show You you're assigned seats" the teacher said. She called everyone's names put and showed them there desk,

You really wanted to al least lit next to one of you're friends, so you would have someone to talk to

"Y/N....Cassandra, Darnell, and Alucard, please sit in the back row!" The teacher yelled

You're heart dropped 'Cassandra?! No way I can be sitting next to her!' You said in you're mind, all four walked to the back of the classroom and sat in you're seats,

Cassandra sat on the right of you, and Darnell on the left, you said Hi to Darnell, when you started hearing Alucard whine"Can't you let Cyclops come over and sit with us, Mrs. Swen, please??" Alucard cried

The teacher sighs"Only, if you guys don't start trouble, it is the first day so I'll give you one chance. I will have Cyclops sit....infront of...Cassandra!" The teacher said

"Just don't misbehave!" She yelled as Cyclops sat acrossed from you
"Great, Alucard, you let this fat ass get in my way" Cassandra said playfully "Oh, but didn't you say you wanted to be more than friend-" Cassandra quickly introupted him"NO I DONT ALUCARD, I DONT LIKE ANYONE IN THIS DAMN SCHOOL" Cassandra said back

Alucard and Cyclops laughed while Cassandra hit Alucard

You giggled A little, it was funny seeing them not be so mean, but you don't want to laugh to hard or you might  be in big trouble

You turned to Darnell and said "So, do you know what we'll be learning today?" You said tilting you're head
"I think we won't be learning anything new, untill next week, but all I know is that we'll get to know the teachers and shit" he said putting his feet on the desk

"Thats what I thought too" you said "Class, may I please get you're attention?!" The teacher yelled, "We have a new student in our school today, there name is Y/N, Y/N, would you like to talk to the class?" The teacher asked "uh, no I'm ok" you said back "Ok, so today we are going to learn about bla bla bla..."


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