Monday again?

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You woke up to your alarm going off, you and Cassandra spent the entire day together yesterday, it was so fun, even just thing about it made you all happy and flustered

Today was Monday, you got up and started to get dressed

"I wonder who's going to be at school today" you said, you ran down the steps and into the kitchen

"HEY MOM I HAVE TO GO LIKE RIGHT NOW" you yelled as you ran to Sunday and hugged her

"Well looks like someones excited about school, it is your second week, I want you to behave " she said hugging you tightly

"I will, ok I don't want to be late for the bus" you said, you ran out the door

You ran to the bus stop seeing Pico there again,

'oh I hope I didn't hurt his feeling last time' you said

You slowly walked to him saying hey

"Oh hey Y/N.." he said

There was a dead silence that was so loud

"So, how did it go with Cassandra?" He said looking back up at you

"Oh, things went great" you said

He softly smiled, he liked to see you happy and excited 🤨

"..but I'm just worried about you, are you ok?" You said

"Yeah, I'm cool, oh hey the bus is here" he said fixing his backpack

You guys hoped on the bus walking to the very back like usual

"OH IS THAT Y/N?" Nene yelled, she ran up to you and hugged you tightly

"Oh, hey Nene!" You said laughing and hugging her back

You guys sat down in the back seats as Cyclops and Alucard weren't there yet

"So apparently the Bus lady have to pick them up last because of some shit, I'm not really sure" Nene said

"Huh, we're just going to piss him off" Pico said

"Yep, I mean he is an asshole so.." Nene said

You guys started to pull up to there neighborhood,

You saw a bunch of other kids walk in and then Alucard,

"Why the fuck are you guys in my seat?" He said walking up to you

"You mean you and YOUR Boyfriends seat?" Pico said laughing

"HES NOT MY DAMN BOYFRIEND" Alucard said turning into a bright red

"Alucard just sit down oh my lord" Cyclops said behind him

Alucard gave you the death look as They sat down Infront of you guys,

"Guess Cyclops is not having it today" you said

"Weird" Nene said

You guys finally started driving to school,

You felt your phone vibrate as you got a text message

You grabbed your phone from your back pocket, it's from Cassandra

"Hey Sweet, I'm not gonna be at shool tody bc Im fucking grounded lol, so Ill bee there like @ wensady or som shit like that so I want u to day to Cy and Alucard that ur the boss of the group untill I get there I love u❤️"

You laughed at her poor spelling skills, you stood up from your seat as you guys just got to school

"Hey, I have to go watch Cyclops and Alucard" you said to your Trio

"Oh, why?" Darnell said

"Well, Cassandras not going to be there so she said I have too.."

"Aw helping your girlfriend, well we'll see ya" Nene said

They waved bye to you as you ran to Alucard and Cyclops

"Hey guys" you said nervously

"Yeah, we got the text, so where do you wanna go" Alucard said

"Erm, I was just thinking to stay here" you said

Cyclops hummed,

You guys sat down waiting for the bell to ring to go to your first class

"Soo.." Alucard said leaning on his locker

"What do you like to do" he said

Cyclops hit him in the head

"Shut up" he whispered

"Damn chill , it's not my fault you lik-" Cyclops hit Alucard again

You just sat there because you didn't want to seem like a pick me

The bell rung, thank the Lord, and you guys walked to the classroom together

You guys walked to your seats and sat down

"Wow, what a long weekend, but as you all know we still have work to do, so please pull out your books and read for 10...I need to smoke"

You pulled out your book and started to read, you could hear Alucard and Cyclops whisper yelling

'oh my hell' you continued to read when Alucard passed a note to you, you were about to read it when the teacher snatched it away

"No passing notes in class" she said looking at Alucard

"Bitch" Alucard said under his breath

                         (Time skip🙀)

It was finally time for lunch, you would usually hang out with Darnell pico and Nene but they said it was alright

"So what did you want to tell me in first period?" You said to Alucard

"Oh, you should ask Cyclops, I don't want to piss em off" he said

"Right, I'll ask him later" you said,

Cyclops came back from the bathroom "let's head out side" he said leading you guys out the side doors

A/N: Hey guys! It's been so long since Ive written in here, I'm trying to kinda make a pt2 of Cassandra and the reader so yeah, I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER

890 WORDS!

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