Just breathe

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I gulped, I started rushing home when I heard a voice behind me

"Didn't you get my text silly?"

I turned around to see Cassandra

"I saw what you did, in the woods.."

'is she stalking me?'

"You fucking kissed him!" she Yelled

I said nothing and keeped my mouth shut, I guess that made this whole situation worse

She ran up to me and grabbed my throat l, pushing me up against the brick wall, I yelped in pain

She looked like she had mixed emotions

Her eyes began to become puffy and red soon you could see tears in her eyes

"I...I just can't hurt you" she said her voice cracking, she dropped me to the ground, I gasped for air

"I'm sorry.." I said "I didn't want it to happen I just didn't want to hurt him, he was already being an ass.." I said

"You still didn't need to be a bitch about it and kiss the dude" she said wiping her tears

She sat down on the ground in front of me and looked at me softly, the moon made her look even more god like

"I really am sorry that you saw that, I know that was wrong and I promise I will never do it again"
i said



I locked my pinky finger around hers, she smiled softly

"I'll walk you home love" she said

She had every right to do those things to me, I new I shouldn't have kissed him and I was wrong for that, but there's one question I still have, how did she know I kissed him

We made it to my house and walked inside, we walked to my room and sat down on my bed

"...I'm sorry for choking you, I was just so..mad" she said

"It's fine, I was in the wrong" I said

"..hey why don't we see your drawing skills now?" She said

"Oh ok" I said, I grabbed my note book and pencil

"What should I draw?" I asked

"Me, right here on the bed" she said smirking

I hesitated but drew her anyway

Why did she fogive me so quickly?

"What's with the long face Y/N" Cassandra asked

"Oh just thinking" I responded


I sat quietly

"Y/N I'm talking to you"

"It's nothing" I said

"Just tell me you brat" she said

"Well, why did you forgive me so fast? I mean why did you even forgive me" I said

She paused


I sat there waiting for a response

"I don't know"

I continued to draw her like she asked, it was dead silence between you two

"Cassandra, you should be getting home, it's already 1 am.." I said

"Pfft it's not that late, can't I just stay over......with you?" She pleaded

I softly smiled  before saying yes

"Let me run to the bathroom real quick to get in my PJs" I said grabbing PJs

"Why not get dressed in here" She said as she looked me up and down

I blushed a light shade of red but decided to listen to her, I didn't want to hurt her feelings even more..

I pulled down my pants and took off my shirt before Cassandra walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck

"That's more like it" she said smirking

She rubbed her hands along my back and chest, going down to my stomach

"Cassandra not now..it's way to late for me" I said pushing her off

"Ugh you always gotta ruin the fun" she walked to my bed and layed down still staring at me

I got into my PJs and crawled next to her, going under the blanket, Cassandra did the same and got comfortable, before wrapping me in her arms

A/N slay ig this was rushed

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