The Last Last GoodBye

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These last school years have been so weird and different, ever since Cassandra had... Died, it feels like a part of me left. I miss her, i really do, but she was insaine in the head. I'm glad we met and I'm glad we got to share experiences with each other.

I closed my journal and put it in a cardboard box, i closed the box with tape and moved it down stairs along with my other things

Sunday and my dad got a divorce, she took custody over me and after a couple months of deciding we wanted to move out, for many many reasons.

"You have everything packed?" She asked me

"Yes mom" i said smiling

She smiled back

"Go say bye to your friends dear." She said

I nodded and walked out the house

I grabbed my headphones and my phone and played some music while i walked to Pico's house which was close by

I hummed as i made it to his door step

I knocked on the door a couple times before he answered it

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked

"...i came to say that I'm moving away.." i said


"Yeah, it's just what's best for me.. i don't think I'll come back, but we can always hang out when we have free time!" I said

He looked distraught

"But what if you get new best friends?" He said looking sad

"Even if I do, they won't ever replace you guys!" I said embracing him

He squeezed me tight

"Just stay safe!" He said

I waved goodbye to him and ran back home to get my bike

I rode my bike to Nenes place and walked to her door

I knocked on it and heard someone stumbling to the door


I laughed

"No.. i came to tell you that I'm moving away, i don't think i will come back, but we can always hang out whenever!" I said

She grabbed me and squeeze me close to her

"That's ok!  I'll text you when we can hang out, i shouldn't be busy this summer" she said

"Hey what's goin on?" Darnell said walking out

Nene looked at him with tears in her eyes

"Nene are you ok??" He said

"Y/NS MOVING AWAY" She said squeezing me tighter

"What?!" He said

"I'm sorry! It's just for the best" i said

He came in and gave us all a hug

"Listen Nene, don't be sad, I'm pretty sure that Y/N will be fine, Plus I'm pretty sure your their favorite so they'll visit you more often" Darnell said patting Nenes shoulder

"Well when you put it like that then i guess it's fine.." she said sniffling

We said goodbye and i started to make my way over to Cyclops house

I got off my bike and sighed

'its been so long since we last talked, ever since..'

"Y/N? You good?" Cyclops said shaking his hand in my face

"Y/N!!" Alucard said punching me


He laughed

I sighed

"I came to tell you guys that I'm moving out, so I won't be going to school here next year" i said

They both looked shocked

"Really?" Alucard said

"Yeah..." I scratched my head

"You'll still be able to see us tho right?" Cyclops said

"Yes of course! If i have the time" i said grabbing my bike

"Wait, before you go i want to give ya a little something!" Alucard said

He ran into Cyclops house and came out shortly with a red ruby necklace

"Cassandra...she wanted to give you this before she passed, she told me, if anything happens to me, you give this to Y/N, so here you go" he said handing it to me

I looked at the necklace

"Thank you" i said putting it on

"I wish you the best of luck!" Cyclops said

I waved goodbye to them and rode quickly back home

"HI MOM!!" I Yelled

I stoped my bike at the end of our car

"You almost done packing yet? Or you need a little help" i said

"Yes please! All my stuff is packed I'm the car except yours" she laughed

I laughed

"Alrighty I'll get it ready and then we can go?" I said

She shook her head

I ran quickly into the house, there was a bright orange sunset outside when i finished, it was so beautiful

I walked to the car and opened the front door, sitting in the passenger seat

Mom looked at me

"What?" I asked

"Who gave you that necklace?" She asked

"One of my friends, it was a gift goodbye" i said

She smiled at me

She started the car and backed out of the driveway, driving in the direction of the sun.

Hopefully this new house will get me away from my dad, Cassandra, all the bad things, I hope all my friends will be ok without me..

I wanted to say thank u all so much for all the support for this book, I'm so glad that this book got so many views and likes, i love to read your guy's comments every day, I'm sorry that the first part of this book was terrible it was my first time writing and i didnt know what i was doing, I'm so grateful for everything that u guys have told me, even when i would diasapear for months💀 PLEASE TELL ME SOME FANDOMS YOU YUYS WOULD LIKE ME TO WRITE A BOOK ON! GIVE ME SOME IDEAS! ONCE AGAIN THAMK YOU FIR EVERYTHING!

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