The dance

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(This chapter is really long, since theres the dance)

It was finally time for the dance to start, you and you're friends met up in the back corner of the gym "Y/N, me and Pico are going to get some beer, want to come with us?" Darnell said

"oh, well you see..." you said

"Oh hey, it's fine, you go hang out with that special someone" Pico Said smiling

"Are you sure?" You said

"yeah, I'm fine, well we better get going, bye!" he said walking away with Darnell

"Aww, poor thing.." you heard Nene say

"Well you better go and find that "someone" Nene said

"oh right!" You said "cya" you said to  Nene walking away

You tryed to find Cassandra, but there was to much people, you saw Alucard eating all the food and Cyclops cheering him on, but she wasent with them.

"Where the fuck in she" you said, you paced around the gym, when finally you decided to walk back to the entrance of the gym,

'Maybe I should go wash off' you said, you left the gym to go to the bathroom, you where secretly hoping that Cassandra would be there, but she wasn't in sight, you sighed

As you went to go wash of you're hands, you could smell smoke in the bathroom, you also heard someone cough, 'wait a minute' "Cassandra?" You said

There was no response, "maybe I'm just going crazy" you said

"Wait, Y/N, is that you?" You heard a familiar voice say

"Oh, uhm yeah it's Y/N?" you said walking closer to the stall door, you could hear her puff out the smoke

"Ugh, you can come in you know " she said slightly opening the stall door

You opened the door and walked in to see her with a lighter and a cigarette "well close the door, I dont want anyone ratting me out" she said putting it in her mouth

"oh right" you said Walking in and closing the door, there wasn't really alot of room in there, so you and Cassandra were really close,

"Oh, yeah, uhm-" she paused "do you want one?" She said pulling a cigarette out of the pack

"I don't really smoke.." You said nervously

"Oh, right, sorry I'm trying to work on being nice?" she said putting the cigarette back

"So, do you want to go to the gym?" Cassandra said fixing her jacket

"Oh, yeah sure!" You said opening the stall door

You and Cassandra both washed you're hands off since the school bathrooms are always disgusting

"So, did you and you're...Messed up trio, come to this party with you?" She said grabbing a drink from Cyclops

"Oh yeah" you said, grabbing some of the cookies from the table

You heard Monseir Perìne start to play 

"Just go dance with them" you heard Cyclops say

"Well what if they don't want to, and plus I don't know how to dance.." Cassandra said lightly blushing

"Just go ask them!" Alucard said pushing her towards you

You giggled "ugh fine, do you want to dance with me Y/N?" She said looking away

"Ofcourse" you said Laughing

"Hey this isn't funny!" Cassandra said grabbing you're hand

You guys walked into the dancing crowd

"Uhm, how do I-" Cassandra said not knowing what to do or what to say

You giggled "here let me help you" you put her left hand on you're hip and her right in you're hand

"Now you just move you're feet like this, oh! And also make sure you kinda bounce you're self, it gives the dance more movement! " you said smiling

"Where did you learn to dance like this?" Cassandra said

"Oh right, I just learned it from the author of this book" you said (I don't know what else to put😢)

You guys dance for a little while but not for the entire song "that was fun" Cassandra said softy smiling

You guys walked back to Cyclops and Alucard "hey dumb asses, me and Y/N are going to the forest, you better not follow us or I'll leak something of yours" Cassandra said,

"What are you going to fuck cupcake here" Cyclops said looking at you

"You're just mad that i have a hot date" Cassandra said putting her arm around you're neck and leading you outside

You guys started walking to the forest at the back of you're house, it was a little chilly outside, you could feel you're nose and cheeks freeze in the wind

You guys made it to the forest and started walking to the well, you could see the moon through the leafs of the trees

It looked beautiful

                       ( Time skip 🌚)       

"were finally here" Cassandra said, you guys sat down on the forest floor

"Here, put this on" Cassandra said giving you her jacket "Oh, thank you, but I'm ok" you said

"Well I don't want you getting sick" Cassandra said, she put the jacket over you're shoulders and scooted closer to you

"What about you?" You said looking at her

"Im fine, I dont really get sick alot" she said

There was an awkward silence now "is it ok if i-" Cassandra stoped "never mind its kinda dumb" she said playing with her hair

"What Is it? I promise not to laugh" you said

"Well I was kinda wondering if you want to, uhm" yoy could see her blush a little "hug, or cuddle, ugh I'm sorry I'm not really good at this stuff..."

"Aw, dont worry about it, ofcourse we can" you said smiling

She scooted even more closer to you "here sit here" she said pointing to her lap (this seems more than just a hug)

You got up and sat on her lap "is this fine?" She said wrapping her arms around you're waist

"Cassandra, I know what you're trying to do" you said

You heard her laugh "Ofcourse you do" she said nuzzling her nose into you're neck

"To be honest, I'm glad that the teacher sat me next to you" Cassandra said hugging you tightly

"Same here" you said

You and Cassandra stayed there for a while when you guys decided to go to you're house

"I see you changed you're room up a bit" Cassandra said sitting on you're bed

"Yeah, I just got a little bored with how it looked.." you said closing you're window

You started to change into you're comfortable clothes

"Uh-" you looked over and saw Cassandra look away from you

"HAH, LOOK WHOS THE SHY ONE NOW" you said Laughing

"I JUST WANT TO BE POLITE" Cassandra yelled back playfully

After you got dressed again you went to sit next to Cassandra "I have some clothes for you to change in if you'd like" you said giving her a tanktop and some pajama pants

"Oh, yeah i forgot to say, you can stay over too!" You said

"Well then I might as well change into these" she said going into you're bathroom to get ready

'What am I doing' you said


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