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A/N: THINGS ARE GETTING SPICY, there is a little sexual tension at the end of this book You? So feel free to skip if you like:)   ALSO THIS IS REALLY LONG SORRY)

You had so much fun with you're friends yesterday. You guys stayed up till one or twelve, it was so much fun

You woke up, after having a horrible nightmare,

You remember walking into this dark room, with nothing inside it, you walked deeper and deeper into the dark void, you felt like somthing was watching you while you walked in the void

You could hear it breathing right behind you, you started to run, you tryed to talk but nothing came out of you're mouth  you started to panic even more, as the "thing" started running even faster

You ran right into a wall and fell, you huryed and turned around to see this big dark grey monster with yellow eyes, it felt like it was staring into you're soul

But you could feel you're self drifting away from this "dream" and you woke up

"What the hell" You mumbled, you got up and saw it was 8:12 "IM LATE!" You yelled running to you're closet, you put clothes on and brushed you're hair

You then ran down stairs and saw you're step mom "Oh Y/N, there you are, I was getting worried, I can take you to school if you want" Sunday said "Yes please" you said running out the door with her

                        (Time skip •▪︎•)
You walked into the school, it just barely turned 8:20 'wow, we got here fast, I dont even know why I need a bus..' you said in you're head

You walked into you're first classroom, everyone stared at you while you walked to you're seat "Oh, Y/N there you are, we were all wondering where you where at" the teacher said trying to break the silence

"I just sleeped in, that's all" you said sitting down

The teacher continued to teach the class  while you watched Cassandra carve into her pencils

You felt a tap from the side of you. You turned over and saw Darnell "Oh hey" you Whispered "Did you hear about Cassandra?" Darnell said "huh?" You said

"Someone said she likes Pico, and wants to ask him out for the dance" Darnell said "No way" you said "Yeah, everyone's talking about it" he chuckled "thats-" the bell rung

You saw everyone grapping there stuff and getting out of there seats "oh man, I gotta head to my next class, Mrs teachers really strict" Darnell said walking away

You slowly grabbed you're stuff while you watched Cassandra and her group slowly leave the classroom

'So she likes Pico? How? She said she bullied him' you said in you're head walking to the bathroom 'but it's a maybe, but it could be true..' "Ugh" you said looking in the mirror

'My face is so red' you looked at you're face and saw you where blushing "What the hell.." you said 'I can't possibly..like her right?' You said washing you're face

You heard someone walk into the bathroom, it sounded like they had boots on

"So, what where you and Darnell talking about?" You looked up to see Cassandra

'How does she find me when I think of her..' (sorry if that dosent make sense, I'm trying to hurry💔)

"Oh..uhm" you didn't know what to say, you didn't want to piss her off or try to bother her, she sighed "did he tell you I 'liked' Pico" she said fixing her lipstick

You stayed silent "look, I dont like anyone in this damn school, like I've said before, I'm not going to ask him out, it's just one of those school gossip things.." she said

Putting eyeliner on "right.." you said grabbing paper out of you're bag

"What are you doing?" She said looking down at you (she will be taller than you, i don't care 😡) "well I was planning to skip class.." you said getting a pencil

"Can I skip with you? I hate being in math, plus Alucards there and he's clingy as fuck" she said putting her make up away

'Well If I say yes, them maybe I can get to know more of her...but why do I want to know more, why am I obsessed with her..' you said in you're head

"Well?" She said snaping you out of you're thoughts "Oh. I guess" you said sitting down in a stall

She grabbed her bag and closed the stall door, then she sat next to you

"So, are you going to draw?" She said looking at the paper "oh, yeah, I'm just trying to figure out what to draw" you said Laughing "I have an idea, why don't you draw me" she said going infront of you posing

You laughed "ok sure" you said sketching her body Frame
'I don't want to stare at her to long, so I'll try to hurry' you started to draw a little faster, but you

Had to be careful, you didn't want to mess it up, as you were drawing her clothes, Cassandra grabbed you're chin and lifted it up

You're eyes widened "Cassandra what are you-" she put her thumb on your mouth "don't yell, you'll get us intouble" she said inching closer to youe face

You could feel you're cheeks get hot "so you do like me, don't you?" She asked, you stayed silent, you where in shock, 'why was she doing this to me, is she teasing me?' You said

She moved closer to you're lips, when the second bell rang "aww, that's to bad, I was hoping to be able to play with you, well I'm going to head" she said grabbing her stuff "oh, and I'll take this" she said grabbing you're drawing

You watched her leave the stall, you could feel you're heart throbing, youput you're hands to you're face and felt you're cheeks where really hot

"Cassandra.." you said as you sat there

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