First Day Of Hell

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You woke up to a loud alarm going off, you relized that it was time for school.

"Aw come on" you pouted, you get dressed and then you walked down stairs yelling to see if anyone's home, there was no response so you walked to the door, you sighed walking out the door

You walked outside, you relized that it was starting to rain, you then ran to the bus stop, and waited for you're bus to come

You heard someone walked up next to you and put an umbrella over you'rehead

"Hey Y/N, it's me, Pico!" you turned you're head seeing the oranged haired boy,

"Oh hey!" You said, just then you got Interrupted butter bus pulling up

you and Pico walked onto the bus, seeing a lot of kids on the bus, it was so loud, there was kids throwing things in the air, and yelling,

You and Pico started to walk to the back to the bus, when these too kids caught you're eye, there was

One with a Pink Mohawk, and one with crazy brown hair, you stared at them for too long and the one with the Mohawk snaped

"what bitch, is there something you want to say?" He said, with a smirk

You looked at him and said "is there a problem here?" (Quote from Coryxkenshin♡)

"what did you just say to me?" He said getting up

Suddenly Pico and this girl grabed you and pulled you all to the back of the bus

"What are you doing, you can't just mess with Cyclops like that!" The girl said, she had black short hair, and wore a pink dress,

"You need to be careful who you talk to Y/N!" Pico Said

"The kids here are crazy, they could do unspeakable things to you.."
the girl with the black hair said

"Sorry, I just can't stand kids like that, they piss me off" you said sitting down

"Heh, it's alright, I'm Nene by the way!" The girl said shaking you're hand

" cool name,  I'm Y/N, nice to meet you" you said smiling.

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